Showing posts with label 90s Game Show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 90s Game Show. Show all posts

Friday, November 21, 2014

Recap 2014: Day 1 (Part 2)

(First off, sorry this review is taking me forever to get up. Grad school is kicking my butt. I promise I'll get the rest up quicker!)

Sailaway Party

The sailaway party was moved indoors this year, and while I had a great time, I think this event is really better suited to be outside. Of course the weather was out of anyone's control so we all made the best of it!

AJ, Brian, Kevin, Nick and Howie made their grand entrance wearing their lovely sailor suits. They kinda goofed around a bit and played with some streamers. The highlight being when Nick accidentally shot one off backwards, right into AJ and himself. Kevin also shared that the pictures plastered around the ship, and seen in the banner hanging from the atrium was taken at Nick's wedding.

BSB during the sailaway party

During the sailaway party they also did a toast- to those who were going to be up late partying, no kids, and no sleeping this cruise. I also mentally added no work and no school to my toast. The boys made their way around the atrium mingling with fans. Pouring champagne into mouths and spraying us with champagne as well. Fortunately I was out of the splash zone.

I had a spot on the bottom level and was lucky to have 2 Backstreet Boys make their way in my general area. Brian was the first to slowly inch his way in my direction. I just kept hoping he'd continue towards me and not turn around, which he did! So I was able to snag a picture with Sailor Brian. Yayy!

Me and Brian
Why is it that Brian is always the first Backstreet Boy I get a picture with every year? I suppose its just because he's super awesome like that.

Nick was the next boy to head my way. He wasn't doing pictures but rather pouring champagne in fans' mouths. He literally ran out right in front of me. Though to be honest I was really okay with that. I didn't exactly want a bottle in my mouth that had already been in like 30 other mouths. 

That was pretty much the end of the sailaway party. Another great kickoff to what I knew would be a fabulous cruise.

BSB Loves the 90's Game Show
I was in group B, late dining, thus next on the to do list was the game show. I really loved this event, and thought it was quite well done. The basic format was trivia plus some funny challenges in between.

BSB doing the typical 90's pose
Some of my favorite moments:

  • Kevin coming to the epiphany that the categories have nothing to do with the corresponding questions
  • When the boys started getting really into singing Gangster's Paradise
  • Brian having too much fun with his buzzer and partner
  • AJ & Brian playing a noodle toss/catch game and all the sexual innuendos that came up as a result.
  • This conversation:
    Kevin - "Measure the thickness."
    Jen - "Only Nick Carter would say that."
    Nick - "That was Kevin!"
  • Kevin using 2 bottles worth of whipped cream to smash in a fans face
  • Kevin embracing the 90s with his hilarious dance moves
  • Brian's furby impression
  • The boys quoting Forrest Gump
  • Howie losing the game Simon after 3 rounds
  • AJ's story about his run-in with Leo DiCaprio (even though I've heard the song before) 
  • Nick sharing the fact that him and Brian used to play Mario Kart all the time back in the day (<3 Frick & Frack)
  • Nick reverting back to a boy playing Mario Kart crossed legged
  • AJ getting his butt kicked in Skip-It. To which Nick replies, "Really, AJ? What the f*ck man?" and Kevin chimed in "I think we can all agree AJ got his vagina kicked."

    AJ playing Skip It and the boys playing with a jump rope
  • All of the boys (sans Brian) trying to figure out how to do double dutch. I mean, was anyone else really shocked that Howie wouldnt be a jump rope pro?
  • Nick so eagerly chiming in to answer the villain in Ninja Turtles and seconds later realizing he can't remember his name
  • When Straight Through My Heart came on and Kevin blurted out this gem, "I know that shit. I did my homework. I watched youtube. I learned the words on youtube."
As much fun as the game itself was, I actually found watching the boys who weren't participating more entertaining. They were having WAY too much fun with all those toys on stage.

Nick and Howie playing with a water tube thingy

Nick and Kevin playing with the metal pin toy
Nick upset that the metal pin toy didn't hold the shape of his face

Brian being goofy
Not pictured:
  • Nick playing and chewing bubble gum tape
  • Nick playing with a slinky and wearing it as a bracelet
  • AJ trying to make a slinky go down stairs
  • Nick playing catch with fans 
So after the game show it was time for dinner. I had a lovely meal with a bunch of different friends so we decided to do a little "game" over dinner. We all went around and shared our favorite Backstreet memory. This ended up taking up a good chunk of our dinner and we had so much fun. I loved hearing everyone's different memories as well as sharing my own.

Also during dinner I decided to sneak out and do some merch shopping - where every year I willingly hand over an absurd amount of money on some overpriced BSB gear. But I just cant help myself.

Shopping with Rachel
Studio 54 Night

Oooh the first theme night. I was a little upset that they had to move this one indoors, but of course all I could do was make the best of it. So I put on my very un-disco themed outfit. I decided to go more typical 70s and I saw many other with the same exact outfit, which was no surprise considering I shopped at a Halloween shop.

My girls and I getting our disco on

I think these theme night can be summed up in just 2 words: funny accents. To be honest, really not a whole lot happened during this theme night because I think it was literally 2 minutes after they arrived that AJ said they want to come and hang with us. Which I'm certainly not complaining about!

My view of Kevin on the bar from above

Nick playing with bubbles
I was up on the second level and the majority of my evening was spent watching most of the Backstreet Boys visit all of the floors. At one point I was tempted to go upstairs to try to grab a picture with Nick, but I didn't feel like battling that herd of girls. So I was attempting to be patient and finally AJ visited our level. Yayy! Sometimes being patient pays off. I was getting more and more anxious as AJ made his way closer to me. Partly from AJ getting closer and partly because the mob of girls around me increased.

AJ finally made his way up to me and the first thing he does is grab his disco ball necklace, and touch it to my disco ball necklace and says, "Look our balls are touching." I had to pause for a moment, and I actually blurted out the exact thought that was running through my head, "Well that's a phrase I never thought I'd hear a Backstreet Boy say to me." He chuckled. I wish I was able to come up with a witty reply, but when does my brain ever function properly around AJ?

AJ and I <3
And that pretty much concluded my noteworthy moments of the day.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Back to Reality

Welcome back home, fellow cruisers. Coming off this cruise, I feel so incredibly blessed. I was so fortunate to have had so many amazing opportunities and experiences that I can't wait to share with you all. All of which make coming back to land that much harder. I'm sure I'm not the only one currently battling post-cruise depression. But as always, I'll be posting a full review with plenty of pictures in the days to come. For me personally, this was the best cruise to date. And I didn't think it would be possible to top the previous ones, but they managed. A few of my quick thoughts coming off this cruise....

Cruise Highlights
  • Best concert ever!! I couldn't believe my ears as we were treated to songs we haven't heard live in over a decade as well as songs I was sure we'd never hear again live. We only had like 4 or so of the usual singles and the rest were all surprises. Just wow!

  • Selfies galore. Every single Backstreet Boy had the patience of a saint this cruise and took so many pictures with the fans. The amount of time they spent taking pics with fans was unprecedented. Nick especially stepped up this year, as compared to years past and it didn't go unnoticed.

  • Wizard of Oz costumes....Nick as Dorothy. I still can't stop laughing.

  • A sneak peak of the documentary screening. While I had actually seen the full movie at the NY screening, it was amazing to see some of it again and be able to ask the boys directly about the film. Only a few more months until we can see the full thing. Can't wait!

  • 2 fun game shows! Lots of laughs both the 90s game show and Don't Forget the Lyrics.

  • Another great beach party at Half Moon Cay. And no rain this year.

  • ABC night- such creative costumes from the fans and the boys. Not sure if it was quite what I was expecting, but it was a lot of fun.

  • The addition of scavenger hunts. Such a fun surprise in the terminal to find out there would be a scavenger hunt with some high stakes prizes on the line. I don't want to give any spoilers, but lets just say I have A LOT more to share on this topic ;)
I also want to say how nice it was meeting many of you on board! I just wish I had more time to spend with everyone. On every cruise I meet more and more amazing fans. I just love the Backstreet Army. I want to hear all your stories and see your pics, so be sure to reach out to me! This is also your official invitation to be a guest blogger to share some of your favorite memories.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Itineraries are Here!

Okay's official. We are 2 weeks away and now have the coveted itinerary!

But first, here's the email that came with the itinerary.
Ahoy Cruisers...

Just 14 more days till you set sail with BSB! Get your sleep in now while you still can.

Here is just a sneak peak of what we have in-store for you.

BSB wants you to add to the set list for the IN A WORLD LIKE THIS REDUX concert. Please list your top five song choices here?

See you on-board.

 Backstreet Boys Cruise 2014 Itinerary

Lots of fun stuff to talk about!

BSB Loves the 90's Game Show
Not sure what exactly to expect with this event, but I'm sure it will be a lot of fun and full of lots of laugh! 

In a World Like This Redux Concert
Well, I wasn't sure exactly what they'd do for the concert and it seems we have our answer. I admittedly had to look up what 'redux' means (don't judge me!) and it means 'brought back' or 'revived'. So it seems we'll be getting a modified version of the In a World Like This concert. I'm happy with that! I'm super happy we get to vote on additional songs to be put in the set list so the show is at least somewhat new and different. So everyone be sure to cast your vote for your favorite songs you want to hear the boys sing! And please, please, don't vote for singles. I think you in advance.

'Show Em What You're Made Of’ Preview and Q+A
Wow- I can't believe they're going to show a preview of the documentary! I actually was already super fortunate to see the movie during the screening last month and I absolutely loved it and can't wait to see it again. This time I know to bring extra tissues! And of course the Q&A, nothing new here but nonetheless, I'm excited and know I'll have a good time. It is interesting to note that this is the first year they're doing 2 separate Q&As. We'll see how that goes; I did like it as one big group in years past.

Don’t Forget the Lyrics
I wonder if the boys will be challenged with lyrics to their old songs? Because if that's the case we know how that will go ;) I also wonder if they'll incorporate fans into this event. Should be a fun, new event. I like my new events!

Lack of solo events
The ONLY thing that disappoints me about the itinerary is lack of solo events. I really enjoyed that last year and it gave us so much more to do, and each boy only had to put in work for 1 more event. So definitely a bit bummed about that, but I won't let that stop my fun. On the bright side, at least we'll have more time to relax and it won't be quite as hectic.

So what is everyone most excited about?