Showing posts with label Sail Away. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sail Away. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Sail Away with Nick Carter

I don't know whether to be happy or mad that Nick announced this so last minute. Damn you Carter for not giving us more time to plan.

Here are the deets:

Party with Nick before setting sail on #BSBCruise2018!

Sail Away With Nick Carter

Wednesday, May 2
Hard Rock Cafe Miami
401 Biscayne Blvd.
Miami, FL 33132

Two types of tickets will be available:

*Limited quantity
Professional Meet & Greet photo
Welcome drink upon arrival in a keepsake HardRock branded glass
Hors d'oeuvres upon arrival
Custom Nick Carter Branded Sunglasses
Custom laminate
Exclusive VIP area

Entry into the event

Tickets on sale Friday, April 20th at 10am Pacific.

Does anyone else feel that this is a little vague? The only thing that concretely involves Nick is the meet & greet. I wish they would give us just a little bit more on what this event entails. But I suppose my fangirl experiences have taught be to pick apart every word with these things because inevitably we aren't guaranteed anymore than what's listed here. I assume he will be mingling with fans, but of course you never know with Nick.

I also notice that by the time I got to write this blog post they had the prices up at $250 and $75 respectively and have promptly taken them down. Makes me think we're in for a surprise Friday during the pre-sale. Hmmm.

Well good luck to all those fans during the sale on Friday and have fun to anyone going!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Recap 2016: Day 1 Part 1

It's always so exciting starting off my cruise review, starting at a blank screen and anxious to let all my stories fill the page. So without further ado, I'm going to dive right in!

I generally don't like to spend a lot of time going through my pre-cruise adventures but I'll do a quick overview.

Long drive to Newark airport. Long plane ride to London. Long layover at Heathrow. Not quite as long flight to Barcelona. Rain. Sagrada Familia. Rain. Another church. Lunch. Rain. Another Cathedral. Time to head to the cruise terminal!

2 things I want to discuss before jumping into the fun stuff.
  1. I have a new appreciation for all you non-Americans who have traveled to the US for past cruises. It's something I've 100% taken for granted how quick, cheap(ish) and easy it is to cruise in my home country. The travel itself is incredibly exhausting and the time change on top of it - forget about it! I found it difficult to start the cruise already zapped of some energy.
  2. This was the first year that my friends and I did Airbnb for our accommodations. We got a 3 bedroom apartment with a kitchen and the 8 of us had SO much fun hanging out before the cruise. I think we'd be inclined to try this again in the future, and I encourage other larger groups of cruisers to do the same. The alternative would be to get 4 hotel rooms and this way we saved money on the room, got excited for the cruise together, and were even able to cook some meals to save more money.
Me and the gang before we head to the port
The morning of the cruise I wake up, and it feels so surreal that the day has finally arrived. For many reasons, it just didn't feel like a typical BSB cruise to me. I suppose it's because we were in a new city and headed to a new cruise line, new terminal, etc.

I am amazed that we got 8 girls ready, packed, and out the door....not just on time, but early!! I suppose anytime you tell us that Nick, Brian, Howie, AJ, and Kevin are waiting, we can actually get ready on time. I feel like that's a good trick for any husband/boyfriend to use in the future. Hmm...

Anyway, we took a cab over to the terminal and it finally started hitting me. I was going on cruise #5 with the Backstreet Boys!!! Seriously, I love my life.

The terminal experience was wildly different from what we're used to sailing out of Miami. The nice piece is that we were able to check-in right away. No waiting around. However the bad piece is that we were able to check-in right away. And by that I mean, there really wasn't a way to watch the Backstreet Boys board which is always a thrill. Yes, I could've waited outside, but I didn't know that at the time! I felt like a first time cruiser. I was just going through the process, expecting to be held up at some point, but before you knew it, I was on the ship!

So while I missed the boys actually board the ship, my understanding is that due to the overwhelming reception they received in Barcelona airport, they had to have military personnel escort them on board. Oy. I had a feeling in my gut that this was probably a good indication of what we can expect with the rest of the cruise.

Getting on board earlier than normal was super nice this year. Even lunch wasn't open yet! It allowed us time to explore the ship a bit, get our bearings, take pictures of all the cute BSB decorations on board, and of course, take pictures with the infamous cardboard cutouts. Which later we found out, Kevin also participated in the fun. I don't know why seeing the boys take pictures with their cardboard cutouts is so amusing to me. But it is.

Kevin with cardboard Kevin

After I posed with with the elevators (well that's a weird sentence taken out of context!) I was able to get a leisurely lunch with my friends and catch up with everyone. It was so nice!! We then headed to our cabin a bit early (read as, snuck into our cabin a bit early) and started getting our door decoration up.

Having fun putting up my door dec

My cabinmates and I decided to reuse our 'FRIENDS' themed door decoration from last year, for numerous reasons.
  1. We didn't want to travel with anything bulky across Europe for 2 weeks
  2. It was already done and given our busy schedules, we just didn't have the time to start from scratch. But I feel obligated to point out we did make some updates - about 50% of the memes were new this year. I'll post those later :)
  3. Save money
  4. We couldn't come up with another concept we loved as much
  5. As far as we know, AJ never did get to see the door last year and I still reallllly wanted him to see it in person (yes I know, I'm still stuck on that idea even 2 years later!) We knew we were on the same deck and same side of the hallway this year, so fingers crossed!!
The final product...
B.A.C.K.S.T.R.E.E.T <3
B.A.C.K.S.T.R.E.E.T <3 Part 2
Ok. Back to the cruise. Next up it was time for the muster station drill. I know girls had been camping out by the stage with their suitcases waiting for the sail away. I can't imagine how they felt when they were told they had to move for the drill. Speaking of, Royal Caribbean was A LOT more strict than Carnival with this. They actually took roll call.
I headed down to my station and had a pleasant surprise when I ran into Nick and Brian on the way to their own muster stations. Eeeep! My first Backstreet Boys sighting!!! There were a lot of fans surrounding them both but Brian stood up on a chair real quick and joked around that we all needed to go to our muster stations and get our life jackets on. I remember laughing at the time, but now I can't remember exactly what he said. Knowing it was Brian, I'm sure it was funny though :D

After the muster station drill, there was quite the comical scene of every single fan on board stampeding up the stairs/elevators to the pool deck. And I can't laugh too hard because I was one of the girls in the stampede. I didn't stand a chance to get anywhere close, so I honestly don't know why I even bothered.

Sail Away Party
I found myself off to the side of the stage, which conveniently was the side that the Backstreet Boys entered the event. So I got a nice up close view of all the guys in their sailor outfit get-ups as they made their way to the stage. I then decided to head to the upper deck so I could get a good view.

Captain BSB
Overall I found the sailaway party to be fun, probably not one of the best, but still had a great time. It was raining so that dampened the mood a little bit (pun not intended!). They did their typical cruise introductions. Made funny jokes. Nick did an impromptu poll on which Backstreet Boy is the freakiest of the group. They also took a poll of first time cruisers, second time cruisers, third time, etc. The comical part is that they seriously had no idea how many cruises they had done. They kept going back and forth. Guys, the answer is 5. You've done 5 cruises *shakes head*.

 The boys poll the audience on who has cruised before. Bonus - The clip starts off with Nick talking about Howie's underwear.

The poll did reveal that there were a lot of first time cruisers, which was to be expected. So as the deck partied continued, the boys were mingling around the deck and I noticed Brian head upstairs on my direction. Queue the nervous butterflies! Unfortunately he came close-ish but not quite close enough. Isn't that feeling the worst?? So close but so far.

However my luck hadn't completely ran out as AJ popped up behind me and without any trouble at all my friend and I were able to get pictures and a brief convo!! We told him about our door decoration and we officially challenged him to Friends trivia. He seemed receptive and seemed to grasp what we were telling him. Thus the first seed has officially been planted.

Picture with AJ. Check!
To be continued...

Friday, April 22, 2016

The Itinerary Has Arrived for #BSBCruise2016!

It's my favorite day of the year! It's like Christmas in April! Without further ado...the Itinerary. My thoughts and analysis below.

BSB Cruise 2016 - Itinerary

Day One: Tuesday May 10, 2015

12:00PM- 2:30PM                   Arrival Onboard Royal Caribbean’s Brilliance of the Seas

4:15PM                                    Mandatory Emergency Boat Drill

5:00PM                                    Anchors Away Sail Away Party – Pool Deck 11 & 12

6:00PM                                    Dinner Group A

6:00PM                                    Doors Open Group B* Pacifica Theatre Deck 5 & 6

6:30PM                                    BSB Game Night Group B Pacifica Theatre

8:15PM                                    Dinner Group B

9:00PM                                    Doors Open Group A* Pacifica Theatre Deck 5 & 6

9:30PM                                    BSB Game Night Group A Pacifica Theatre

11:30PM                                  IN A WORLD LIKE THIS deck party – Deck 11 & 12

Day Two: Wednesday May 11, 2016

Arrival at 9:00 AM
All guests must be back onboard by 5:30 PM

6:00PM                                    Photo Session Group B – Colony Club Deck 5

6:00PM                                    Dinner Group A

8:30PM                                    Dinner Group B

9:00PM                                    Doors Open Group A* Pacifica Theatre Deck 5&6

9:30PM                                    Show Em What You’re Made Of Acoustic Hour Group A Pacifica Theatre

11:30PM                                  A NIGHT AT THE CINEMA Deck Party – Deck 11 & 12

Day Three: Thursday May 12, 2016

Arrival at 7:00 AM
All guests must be back onboard by 6:30 PM

6:00PM                                                Dinner Group A

6:30PM                                                Mix it up with Howie D – Pool Deck 11 & 12

7:00PM                                                Doors Open Group A

7:30PM                                                Dead 7 Screening and Q+A Group A

8:30PM                                                Dinner Group B

10:00PM                                              Doors Open Group B* Pacifica Theatre Deck 5&6

10:15PM                                              Show Em What You’re Made Of Acoustic Hour Group B Pacifica Theatre

12:00AM                                             CASINO ROYALE DECK PARTY – DECK 11&12

Day Four: Friday May 13, 2016


10:00AM – 2:00PM                             Blackjack Tournaments – Casino

11:00AM                                             Photo Session Group A – Colony Club Deck 5

2:00PM                                             Feed the Body & Soul with the Littrell’s-Pool Deck

2:45PM                                                One on One with Kevy Kev - Pool Deck

3:30PM                                                The Friday Tease with AJ McLean - Pool Deck

4:00PM                                                BSB: Behind the Scenes– Pool Deck

5:00PM                                                Just to be Close to You: A Guinness World Record Attempt – Pool Deck

6:00PM                                                BSB Trivia with Rose Tours

6:00PM                                                Preferred Event – Colony Club – Only those who booked Suites, D1, DP or DAS cabins can attend

6:00PM                                                Dinner Group A

7:00PM                                                Doors Open Group B Pacifica Theatre Deck 5&6

7:30PM                                                Dead 7 Screening and Q+A Group B Pacifica Theatre

8:30PM                                                Dinner Group B

8:30PM                                                Blackjack Tournament Final Table– Casino

11:00PM                                              50 Shades of BSB Leather & Lace Deck Party – Deck 11 & 12

Other Royal Caribbean activities are available to all guests, please check the dailies for times and locations.

*all events subject to change*

Day Five: Saturday May 14, 2016

Day of Debarkation
8:00 AM                                              Arrive at Port of Barcelona Cruise Terminal

Additional Information

* Guests with Early Dining are in Group A.
* Guests with Late Dining are in Group B.

* You will receive your dining room assignment at check in.  Seating in the dining rooms is open.
Please arrive at assigned dining room with your party, the Maitre D’ will seat you. Reservations can be made to any of the specialty restaurants.

Merchandise Store Hours:
The merchandise store is located in the Gift shop on Deck 5.

Day One: Tuesday May 10, 2016
5:30PM – 11:00PM

Day Two: Wednesday May 11, 2016
6:30PM – 11:00PM

Day Three: Thursday May 12, 2016
7:30PM – 11:00PM

Day Four Friday May 13, 2016
10:00AM – 11:00PM 

Hospitality Desk Hours:
The Hospitality Desk is located near the Royal Caribbean guest services desk on Deck 4.

Day One: Tuesday May 10, 2016
4:00PM – 8:00PM

Day Two: Wednesday May 11, 2016
9:00PM – 10:00PM

Day Three: Thursday May 12, 2016
8:00PM – 10:00PM

Day Four: Friday May 13, 2016
8:00PM – 10:00PM

My Thoughts/Pre-Cruise Analysis

I am THRILLED with the itinerary. Seems like Rose Tours and the staff have really listened to feedback and are trying some new things and bringing back some fan favorites.

Solo Events
I love that they brought back solo events for each of the guys, which is very exciting! It really helps fill up the day and give us cruisers a ton more activity, while still giving the guys not as much work. You figure while any given Backstreet Boy is doing his event, the other 4 can rest. Win/Win in my mind!

We already have details on Kevin and Brain's solo events. Mix it Up with Howie D....not sure what to fully expect here. But I'd be willing to bet a hefty sum that alcohol will be involved in some capacity. I really loved his last solo event, so that will be tough to top, but I'm loving where it's headed. 

'The Friday Tease with AJ McLean' is super intriguing! I literally have no guesses here, but if its at the pool deck, I'm sure we'll have a great time no matter what he's doing. Any guesses??

Nick's Dead 7 a Nick girl I'm slightly disappointed. I think there's a good number of fans who've already seen the movie, myself included. Thus I'm personally not anticipating this event as much as the others. But hopefully the fans who haven't gotten a chance to see it yet will enjoy. And I'm optimistic that the Q&A portion will be a lot of fun!

Game Show
I always love the game shows, so glad they're keeping a cruise classic. I do find it very interesting that they don't have details on the game show announced yet. Generally for past cruises, they've told us in the itinerary what the game would be. Maybe they're still trying to figure it out ;)

BSB Behind the Scenes
This sounds super exciting!! Obviously not sure what to expect here, but based on the description, it sounds like an event I've always wanted. I think it may be my business/marketing background, but I'm just fascinated by the business of the Backstreet Boys and what goes into their brand - the marketing, the legal, the finances, all of it! Heck, Howie always says that being a Backstreet Boys and being in show business is just as much about the show, as it is the business. I hope we get a glimpse into this.

We already knew we were getting an acoustic concert. I suppose the new piece of information here is they're clearly calling it "Acoustic Hour". Thus I suppose we should psyche ourselves for an hour-long event. I was hoping for a little longer, but then again, can we ever have a Backstreet Boy concert that's long enough? I'd always want more!

Blackjack Tournaments
Seems like they're bring back blackjack, which is good. Hopefully my luck from last year will continue. I do wonder which Backstreet Boy will be hosting though, as the itinerary didn't state. In years past its been Howie and AJ. So we'll see if they keep taking turns, or perhaps Howie & AJ are the resident card sharks.
Also - keep your eyes peeled for another email from Rose Tours on this. They've generally done sign-ups in advance.

Just to be Close to You: A Guinness World Record Attempt
The Backstreet Boys do seem to like to take after the New Kids, and on the last New Kids cruise they tried to break the record for the most number of selfies in a given time. If I was a betting woman, I'd say the guys will try to do this. Plus with the event name 'Just to be Close to You'...I think it adds up. It'd be great if all the Backstreet Boys participate, but I for some reason I bet AJ would be the host of this event. He does like his selfies!

BSB Trivia with Rose Tours
I have mixed emotions. I am really happy they've finally added in bonus events like this that don't involve the guys, but still are Backstreet related. It sounds like sooo much fun! The reason I have mixed emotions is because they scheduled the 'Preferred Event' at the same time so I won't be able to go #SpoiledBSBFanProblems

Preferred Event
I'm glad they didn't forget about this one! No further clues as to what the event will be, except the fact that its held in the Colony Club. See picture below. If nothing else, the room size tells us about how many fans to expect at this event. I'm really excited though!

I am sad that there's no beach party. Even though we already knew that, I suppose I still had some hope they might change their mind. It's definitely a bit different that we have 2 entire days with no events during the day. Depending if you're in Group A or of those days at port will be pretty light on BSB. 

I'm also sad there's no Q&A. That's always a favorite event of mine. But I most certainly not going to dwell on that. I realize they can't do everything, even though I wish they could. 

The other thing I noticed about the itinerary is that for Group A, a couple of events conflict with dinner: the Preferred Event as well as Howie's solo event. Fortunately I'm in group B so it doesn't impact me. But even if I was, hands down, I'd choose the BSB events and skip dinner. Just part of the sacrifice of a BSB cruise.

Also - I'm already anticipating how tired I'm going to be on that last sea day! Its going to be so busy but so much fun! Its really starting to feel real!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Recap 2014: Day 1 (Part 2)

(First off, sorry this review is taking me forever to get up. Grad school is kicking my butt. I promise I'll get the rest up quicker!)

Sailaway Party

The sailaway party was moved indoors this year, and while I had a great time, I think this event is really better suited to be outside. Of course the weather was out of anyone's control so we all made the best of it!

AJ, Brian, Kevin, Nick and Howie made their grand entrance wearing their lovely sailor suits. They kinda goofed around a bit and played with some streamers. The highlight being when Nick accidentally shot one off backwards, right into AJ and himself. Kevin also shared that the pictures plastered around the ship, and seen in the banner hanging from the atrium was taken at Nick's wedding.

BSB during the sailaway party

During the sailaway party they also did a toast- to those who were going to be up late partying, no kids, and no sleeping this cruise. I also mentally added no work and no school to my toast. The boys made their way around the atrium mingling with fans. Pouring champagne into mouths and spraying us with champagne as well. Fortunately I was out of the splash zone.

I had a spot on the bottom level and was lucky to have 2 Backstreet Boys make their way in my general area. Brian was the first to slowly inch his way in my direction. I just kept hoping he'd continue towards me and not turn around, which he did! So I was able to snag a picture with Sailor Brian. Yayy!

Me and Brian
Why is it that Brian is always the first Backstreet Boy I get a picture with every year? I suppose its just because he's super awesome like that.

Nick was the next boy to head my way. He wasn't doing pictures but rather pouring champagne in fans' mouths. He literally ran out right in front of me. Though to be honest I was really okay with that. I didn't exactly want a bottle in my mouth that had already been in like 30 other mouths. 

That was pretty much the end of the sailaway party. Another great kickoff to what I knew would be a fabulous cruise.

BSB Loves the 90's Game Show
I was in group B, late dining, thus next on the to do list was the game show. I really loved this event, and thought it was quite well done. The basic format was trivia plus some funny challenges in between.

BSB doing the typical 90's pose
Some of my favorite moments:

  • Kevin coming to the epiphany that the categories have nothing to do with the corresponding questions
  • When the boys started getting really into singing Gangster's Paradise
  • Brian having too much fun with his buzzer and partner
  • AJ & Brian playing a noodle toss/catch game and all the sexual innuendos that came up as a result.
  • This conversation:
    Kevin - "Measure the thickness."
    Jen - "Only Nick Carter would say that."
    Nick - "That was Kevin!"
  • Kevin using 2 bottles worth of whipped cream to smash in a fans face
  • Kevin embracing the 90s with his hilarious dance moves
  • Brian's furby impression
  • The boys quoting Forrest Gump
  • Howie losing the game Simon after 3 rounds
  • AJ's story about his run-in with Leo DiCaprio (even though I've heard the song before) 
  • Nick sharing the fact that him and Brian used to play Mario Kart all the time back in the day (<3 Frick & Frack)
  • Nick reverting back to a boy playing Mario Kart crossed legged
  • AJ getting his butt kicked in Skip-It. To which Nick replies, "Really, AJ? What the f*ck man?" and Kevin chimed in "I think we can all agree AJ got his vagina kicked."

    AJ playing Skip It and the boys playing with a jump rope
  • All of the boys (sans Brian) trying to figure out how to do double dutch. I mean, was anyone else really shocked that Howie wouldnt be a jump rope pro?
  • Nick so eagerly chiming in to answer the villain in Ninja Turtles and seconds later realizing he can't remember his name
  • When Straight Through My Heart came on and Kevin blurted out this gem, "I know that shit. I did my homework. I watched youtube. I learned the words on youtube."
As much fun as the game itself was, I actually found watching the boys who weren't participating more entertaining. They were having WAY too much fun with all those toys on stage.

Nick and Howie playing with a water tube thingy

Nick and Kevin playing with the metal pin toy
Nick upset that the metal pin toy didn't hold the shape of his face

Brian being goofy
Not pictured:
  • Nick playing and chewing bubble gum tape
  • Nick playing with a slinky and wearing it as a bracelet
  • AJ trying to make a slinky go down stairs
  • Nick playing catch with fans 
So after the game show it was time for dinner. I had a lovely meal with a bunch of different friends so we decided to do a little "game" over dinner. We all went around and shared our favorite Backstreet memory. This ended up taking up a good chunk of our dinner and we had so much fun. I loved hearing everyone's different memories as well as sharing my own.

Also during dinner I decided to sneak out and do some merch shopping - where every year I willingly hand over an absurd amount of money on some overpriced BSB gear. But I just cant help myself.

Shopping with Rachel
Studio 54 Night

Oooh the first theme night. I was a little upset that they had to move this one indoors, but of course all I could do was make the best of it. So I put on my very un-disco themed outfit. I decided to go more typical 70s and I saw many other with the same exact outfit, which was no surprise considering I shopped at a Halloween shop.

My girls and I getting our disco on

I think these theme night can be summed up in just 2 words: funny accents. To be honest, really not a whole lot happened during this theme night because I think it was literally 2 minutes after they arrived that AJ said they want to come and hang with us. Which I'm certainly not complaining about!

My view of Kevin on the bar from above

Nick playing with bubbles
I was up on the second level and the majority of my evening was spent watching most of the Backstreet Boys visit all of the floors. At one point I was tempted to go upstairs to try to grab a picture with Nick, but I didn't feel like battling that herd of girls. So I was attempting to be patient and finally AJ visited our level. Yayy! Sometimes being patient pays off. I was getting more and more anxious as AJ made his way closer to me. Partly from AJ getting closer and partly because the mob of girls around me increased.

AJ finally made his way up to me and the first thing he does is grab his disco ball necklace, and touch it to my disco ball necklace and says, "Look our balls are touching." I had to pause for a moment, and I actually blurted out the exact thought that was running through my head, "Well that's a phrase I never thought I'd hear a Backstreet Boy say to me." He chuckled. I wish I was able to come up with a witty reply, but when does my brain ever function properly around AJ?

AJ and I <3
And that pretty much concluded my noteworthy moments of the day.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Denise's Cruise Review

I'm so excited I have yet another awesome guest blogger for you, one of my good friends, Denise. She is a Nick girl from Chicago and she's been a diehard fan ever since she saw “As Long As You Love Me” on the VH1 countdown. The 2013 cruise was her first and she's excited to share her stories with you. She also has a super fun blog, The Life of a Backstreet Boys Fan, where she shares some of her other encounters. I love being able to share other reviews of the cruise because I obviously can't  be everywhere at once so Denise is going to share her play by play of the cruise. Enjoy!

DAY ONE: Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday morning, I woke up around 7 a.m. which was really 6 a.m. for me. I took a shower and got dressed and went downstairs in hunt of food. I think there were 31 floors and I was on the 14th floor, but when I got to the main floor I went to the café. It was all pastry stuff. I needed some heavier food that wasn't all sweets. I ended up eating at the buffet at the restaurant in the hotel. It was really good. I couldn't eat a lot though because I kept feeling like I was going to choke because of my coughing. I got a really nice bacon and cheese omelet and some hashbrowns and chamomile tea. I also tried some yogurt and more bacon lol. After I got done eating, I went back upstairs to gather my things and get ready to leave for the ship! I ended up walking to Ashley's room on a different floor to see if she and her roommate still would want to split a cab ride. We met downstairs and I checked out of my room. Then we found out about a shuttle for $6 to get from the hotel to the port and we took that. It took awhile for us to get going because they wanted to make sure that the whole bus was filled to get their gas worth, but we finally left. The whole bus was filled with BSB fans and some were playing BSB music!!! The cruise and BSB sisterhood was officially starting! It was nice to look at Miami on our way down to the port. I found some of the houses to look run down and when Ashley and I were walking outside by the hotel, it kind of smelled bad. If I ever move to Florida to get away from this crappy Illinois weather, I would probably pick Orlando or Tampa to move to over Miami. Anyway, it was still fun to look around.

When we arrived at the port, we got our luggage and made our way inside to the line to get in and for security. I took a picture of the Welcome to the Port of Miami sign and a security lady told me I had to delete it because it had the security men in the picture. I deleted it, but found it odd. After security, we went inside and were able to see BSB make their way to board the ship! That was so cool and I'm glad we left early to see that. It does pay to leave early just for that. All the fans were cheering and I ran to catch a glimpse and almost went passed the guy who gave me an itinerary, but I still got it. After that, we got in line to check ourselves in and then we had to find another person to give us a number to go in after that. When our number was called, which I think was 31, we proceeded inside to get a picture taken. Us three ended up getting our pictures taken together and I ended up buying this one because the guy took individuals of us, but my arm looked fat in the one of just me and I thought it would be nicer to have one of us three. After this, we boarded the ship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I boarded the ship, I looked around and instantly noticed a lot of BSB decorations and the bright, big elevators. I actually teared up a little because I couldn't believe I was actually on the BSB cruise! We tipped to have our luggage sent to our room, so I just had my carryon bag. Us girls parted ways, and I started taking pictures of everything and visited practically every deck. It was fun to explore the ship this way. I was getting pretty tired of lugging my carryon, but I think that was the right way to do it. It took awhile to get the luggage to the room and they just set it outside, but I'm still glad I did it this way because there would have been no way for me to get up close to the guys when they made their first appearance on the ship. I also took this time to find my room. I went into the cabin M124 first before my roommate I had from the match program was in there, but I didn't leave any of my stuff. I took pictures of the room too. My roommate from the match program also had the name of Ashley and she is really nice. We talked via email a few times before the cruise and on the cruise ended up hanging out here and there.

I made my way to the lido deck after getting some more pictures and ate a cheeseburger and fries and pretty soon it was time for BSB to come out! I remember asking some girls if I could sit at their table and they said yes. Then after about 20 minutes, they left and I guess one of their friends came back. This was the first rude encounter I had. She said I was in her seat. LOL I looked at her like she was nuts. There were like four other chairs empty at the same table and she wanted the seat I was in. What a weirdo. Luckily, I was done eating my food so I just gave her a weird look and left.

It was also around this time that I seen Brian and Leighanne checking out the food on the lido deck and got a picture, but the girl's head was in the way. Oh well.

During this time I also got some wine glasses that had the BSB cruise logo on it that girls were just going to throw out. They were selling them for $17, but I didn't want the alcohol and they were selling them without the alcohol but the same price.

Before BSB made their first appearance, AJ was walking by the buffet and I was able to get a picture of him and I, but a rude girl smacked my camera out of the way right when I was snapping the picture so you have half of AJ's face and mine. That was really uncalled for and my second experience with rude fangirls.

When we had to do the emergency drill, I of course ended up being right along the edge of the boat. I'm kind of afraid of heights, so that made me nervous, but that quickly went away and it was time for the BSB to come out!!!!!

For the Hot Hot Hot Sail Away Party, BSB all came out wearing captain uniforms looking VERY handsome. I thought that was such a nice idea. The party begins! I don't remember too much of this except that the guys were interacting and dancing and it seemed to have went by fast.

I also was able to touch Nick's back a couple of times when he got off the balcony during the Hot Hot Hot party.

I thought the music during the whole ship was perfect, especially what Nick played during his Nick at Nite djing. Every song he played I have on my ipod. After the BSB introduction, I ended up going back to my cabin and putting my luggage away. I met two girls along the way that were really nice and we had lunch together. We tried some of that Mongolian food, but it was a bit too spicy for me and I was afraid I might be allergic so I quickly stopped eating it. I actually lost weight on the cruise because there was so much to do, running around, dancing, and the buffet food wasn't that great so I just ate the dinner food. The water was also terrible on the ship. It tasted like rocks were on the bottom of my cup. I couldn't stand it and my roommate was nice enough to let me complain and have some of her bottled water. For the first night's dinner, I got the steak. It was really good and came with a baked potato. I remember getting some strawberry cheese cake that was good too, but nothing compared to the chocolate lava cake. I don't like chocolate at all, but this was so good and was more like a brownie. Also, the wait staff did a dance to Flo Rida's Low which was kind of awkward because one minute everything was so fancy and made me feel like an out-of-place hillbilly (lol) and the next minute they are dancing to a rap song. They also had these weird characters that would come up behind you while you were eating and take a picture of you. I remember a zombie and a pirate. Didn't really care for that.

Since I was in group A early dining, We waited until after 9:30 p.m. for the boys to do Are You Smarter Than a BSB? My seat for this and the concert was all the way in the back in a booth but still on the first floor. For this one, I could see really good but for the concert it wouldn't be that great of a seat. Anyway, the guys were goofing around with the shadow on the backdrop they had and it was so funny. They kept making the microphones look like their members lol and Howie took it to a whole new level when he opened a bottle of champagne lol. I remember AJ saying something about how they get dirtier as they get older and that seemed to be true lol, but it was so funny and just great to see them act like themselves and normal down-to-earth guys. I wish I would have gotten picked for anything on the cruise, but I didn't. Luckily, I got pretty close with every event. (I've been looking at pictures online and it seems like girls were so lucky to have gotten individual pictures with all five guys. Unfortunately, I wasn't that lucky.) For this event, Nick was really determined to win and I thought it was funny when each of the guys had to wear the dunce cap. I thought some of the questions were hard, but it was funny to see the guys being goofy. Nick was using some boxing gloves to punch Kevin in the butt and his hand got stuck in between his legs lol. Brian kept playing with a bouncy ball and it was cute how Kevin still had his captain uniform on and AJ said the rule was we had to salute our captain lol. It was also funny how they each came out and Nick came running out like a nerd and AJ knocked over a chair to show how he was a bad boy. Overall, this was a nice event to see the guys be funny but I wish I could have gotten picked for something, especially the coconut game with Nick, but I didn't even know they did that until after I seen pics online when I came home.

At midnight, the Don't Put Out the Glow Neon Party took full effect! I was so excited about all the themes because all the themes I voted for were picked, but I recommended this theme so I was especially excited about this. I would say that this was probably my favorite of the parties, or at least tied with Bachelorette Night, because it was the first party that started the whole cruise, was the theme I suggested, and was just awesome to see Nick play the drums on the balcony!

I ended up wearing the tie-dye Miami shirt I bought the previous day and the glow necklaces I brought with. The glow stuff I bought from Wal-Mart didn't work that great, but oh well. I actually had the same exact glasses Nick wore that glowed green but didn't bring them because I thought my luggage would be too heavy if I kept adding stuff. Turns out my luggage was only 30 lbs.

After BSB made their way onto the main stage in the middle of the lido deck, I had fun partying. BSB was giving away free drinks and I was given a blue one that had Malibu rum in it. I didn't like the taste, but took a couple of sips. I usually don't drink because I can be drunk all on my own lol, but I had to because it was just a special moment. Once I realized that Nick was up on the balcony, I quickly made my way to right below it. I got a really good spot right in front of him. It was the best moment just to see him let loose and play the drums and sing. AJ was up there with him and Kevin ended up joining too.

I think it was at this party where AJ was teasing Howie because he didn't want to stage dive and AJ said to make sure to grab his balls lol. I was able to help Howie stage dive and Brian.

At one point Nick got a TMNT knit hat from a fan and put it on and then threw it to where I was. I ended up catching it along with two other girls. The one girl gave up pretty quickly and it was down to me and this other girl. I really would like to believe Nick remembered me from Chicago and wanted to throw it to me, but who knows. I'm also a big TMNT fan from when I was a kid so I really wanted this. This girl ended up yanking it right out of my hand really nasty, I mean really nasty, and then laughing and smiling to her friend. Honestly, she is lucky she is still alive. I had to do everything in my power from not smacking her upside the head or ripping her hair out. Kind of an ugly side to me I know, but I didn't do it and I wasn't the one that cockily laughed in someone else's face. Also, I think this girl is on facebook saying how sweet she was behaving on the cruise. Pfft. I really was upset when this happened, but I got the last laugh because I ended up being really close on Bachelorette Night and caught a couple of things Nick threw out. This is when I realized that there were some real bitches on the ship.

I found myself wishing I was up on the balcony, so I asked security how I can get up there. They said that I would need a special wrist band. I asked how you get that and the guy said he didn't know. I ended up going all the way around the other side and got up there, but they had it barricaded. A lot of the girls up there looked skanky, but that's usually how it goes with anything like this, not just BSB. I ended up going right up there after the party was over but no BSBs were there. This was after waiting and resting inside the ship.

The best part of Glow Night was just seeing the BSB be themselves and have fun. I really enjoyed seeing all their smiles throughout the whole cruise and am glad they were having fun too! I really did enjoy Nick playing the drums so much and liked how they had the drums lit up. It was also really cool how Nick was singing to some of the songs, like the new Eminem song.

Because Denise's review is so amazingly thorough, I'm going to point you back to her blog to read the rest of it. Plus it has a ton more great pictures! Day 2; Day 3; Day 4.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Chrissy's Best of BSB Cruising

I'm happy to feature another one of my favorite gals as a guest blogger- my roommate, Chrissy! She's currently living in Indiana and to say she is the biggest Brian fan I know would be a huge understatement. Seriously, if you want to talk anything about Brian, she's your gal. You can find her on twitter @BRokKentuckyGrl or check out some of her other Backstreet adventures on her blog- From The First Day. Chrissy has been on all 3 BSB cruises and in this post she's taking a look back at all of them and sharing her favorite parts of each one.

When I first started writing this guest blog post, I was set on sharing my top moments of BSB Cruise 2013 with you.  I had written about one third of it when I decided that I wanted to go a different route.  I decided that since I have been on all three cruises thus far, I would bring you a post in which I gave you the “Best Of” for each portion of the cruise.  To me, if each of these different parts were taken from each of the cruises, it would make the perfect BSB cruise for me.

Pre-Cruise Event
The “Bigger” Acoustic Show from the 2010 cruise wins this category by far!  Who doesn’t want to see BSB singing???  Plus, this was the first time I got to see them do an entire acoustic set in person.  Our VIP photo afterwards was probably one of the most disorganized photos I have been a part of when it came to the Backstreet Boys (I believe two of the girls weren’t even standing next to a Boy and Howie’s face was hidden), but it was also my first time meeting AJ, Howie, and Nick.  The 2011 Pre-Cruise Party at the Cameo Nightclub brought a much better VIP photo, however.  Unfortunately, the 2011 pre-cruise event brought us very little Brian viewing and not much Backstreet singing.  And as many of us know, there was no pre-cruise event for the 2013 cruise.  Hopefully, they bring this back for 2014.

Sail-Away Party
The 2011 Sail Away Party wins this for me.  Don’t get me wrong, the Captain’s uniforms for the 2013 cruise were absolutely amazing!!!  However, my friends and I had the front row for the 2011 Sail Away party and I feel like we got much more interaction because of this.  In 2011, all four of the guys were present and “performed” for the audience the entire time.  They were requesting songs, dancing, singing, and just having a great time.  I feel like this wasn’t as much the case for 2013.  Kevin disappeared for a really long time and Brian didn’t seem to be as present either.  I also feel like they just weren’t having as great of a time with the music…there wasn’t nearly the same amount of singing and dancing as in 2011.  Now, we were a little further from the stage in 2013 so that could have a large part in this.  And of course, there was no sail away party in 2010 because of the half chartered ship.

Game Show
“In it to Win It” in 2011 wins in this category.  While the guys are still hilarious with trivia like games, watching them try to accomplish tasks and competing with one another, rather than as a team against fans, is much more fun.  We were able to add words to the Backstreet Dictionary when Brian commented that his team had played “betterly” than the other.  We saw the guys get up close and personal during Coconut Smoochie.  Brian sang to a Christmas tree.  Howie was a Flippy Cup master.  Brian rode a children’s tricycle way better than any adult should.  And in true Backstreet fashion, there was usually one member that was confused and wasn’t following the rules of the game.  2013, however, did allow more fans to participate because they brought several different groups of girls up and randomly picked girls from an envelope to make participation a little fairer.

Because of the nature of the 2010 cruise, dinners were much more eventful than the 2011 and 2013 cruises.  The half charter of this cruise allowed for the guys to actually eat dinner at the same time and in the same dining room as all of the Backstreet cruisers.  Because of this, we got AJ and Nick getting “Low” and AJ dancing with a fan (who just happens to be a friend of mine that I had met that night when her mother and I sat at our table).  Just that little bit of extra Backstreet when you didn’t expect it was a nice touch.  Now with full charters, this just won’t happen again.  The guys might have events for the other group when your group is eating, cruisers are now split between the two dining rooms which also means that your group might be split up, or one of the Boys might be in your dining room but they are eating before they have to rush off to an event and that is it.

Beach Party
I think some will disagree with me on this one but I think I actually liked the 2011 Beach Party the best of the three.  First of all, seeing Kevin with the guys after him being gone was just exciting.  Sure, he was back with the guys in 2013 but the novelty of having him back for that one day before he officially announced his return was a thrill.  I wasn’t anywhere near the stage for this Beach Party but I loved that fact that I was able to catch up on some much needed sleep on the beach as I awaited the arrival of the guys.  I had not relaxed at all during the 2010 Beach Party because I hadn’t known what to expect and was on constant look out for the guys. 

I very much enjoyed the introduction of Musical Chairs and the fact AJ had no idea how to play at the time.  We got some a cappella from the guys.  And probably my favorite part of the 2011 Beach Party was the volleyball.  I had missed the volleyball in 2010 because I had made my way back to the ship like I was supposed to and there was no volleyball in 2013.  And, well, I love volleyball.  We were right against the back serving line so Brian was right up next to us several times when he went to serve.  Oh, and how can I forget the fact that I caught some beads from Brian.  Some of my friends got some photos with some of the guys; I had not because I had just been chilling and enjoying the beach.

The 2010 Q & A session wins this category for me.  I enjoyed the questions more during that Q&A and I thought all of the guys were equal in answering.  For this past 2013 cruise, Brian was unbelievably quieter than I am used to him being.  Anyway back to the 2010 Q&A….there were so many good quotes taken from that Q&A.  Brian and Nick recreated scenes from Titanic.  Brian did Kevin impersonations.  It was really confirmed that AJ was not the greatest with geography.  I also loved the fact that the Q&A was in the lounge so that we could sit and relax while we just found out more about the guys.  My feet hurt so much during the 2013 cruise that some of my friends and I went upstairs to sit during the session and I wasn’t able to see all of the guys then.  I know that having the Q&A on the Lido deck is probably the best way to have it now with the full charter so that they don’t have to break it up into two sessions.  I was glad that they brought back the Q&A after its absence in 2011.

First of all, I was very happy that there was no karaoke this year.  It was great during the 2010 cruise but I did not find it enjoyable on the 2011 cruise because it was just old by that point.  So, as you can tell from that, 2010 wins this category.  The guys seemed much more involved in 2010 because they were constantly singing along with the fans and dancing.  There was not as much of that in 2011.  Of course, the best part of the 2010 was the “Baby Got Back” performance.  It was completely unexpected and that particular fan was just fun to watch.  However, it was brought back again in 2011 and just wasn’t as exciting because we had already seen it.  It was also a much better venue when it was in the lounge, rather than on the Lido Deck.

2011’s Cruise Concert wins this category for me because it was different.  We got the This Is Us show on the 2010 cruise and the In A World Like This show in 2013.  Don’t get me wrong, both of those were excellent shows and it was great getting to see them multiple times between the actual tour and the cruise.  However, the set list for the 2011 cruise was set by voting from the fans.  We were in control of which songs the guys would and would not be singing….well, for the most part.  I still think the guys snuck some of their hits in there that maybe hadn’t been voted on (like “I Want It That Way” which I think many fans could possibly go without hearing).  Because of this control, we got songs like “If You Want It to Be Good Girl,” “Don’t Want You Back,” and “Siberia.”  I also LOVED the fact that we also got solos from each of the guys.  You can probably guess that my favorite was Brian’s solo but the fact that he was in tears from singing “Mary Did You Know” and got the audience tearing up, as well, was such a special, touching moment.

Solo Events
Since the 2013 cruise is the only cruise that has occurred with solo events, it is obviously the winner.  The fact that they added these solo events made this year’s cruise extra special and much different than the past sailings.  Each of the guys got to shine in their own right and we got a great variety.  My favorite solo event had to be Kevin’s, followed shortly by Howie’s.  Kevin’s event was so intimate and emotional and I loved seeing that side of him, even though I think we see that side in him more often than we see it from the other guys.  One of my favorite moments of this past cruise was also when Kevin was doing his sound check and playing “Incomplete” on the piano while the fans in the atrium sang the song.  It was just a cool moment.  Howie’s event was the opposite, as it was just a fun party time.  We got to hear all of Howie’s little corny jokes as he gave us a mini-concert of his songs.  It really made me want a Howie solo tour more than I already did. 

I was actually in Brian’s solo event as one of the Wylee models but I was one of the last to go so I was stuck behind the stage for the largest majority of the fashion show and did not get to really see much of it as a spectator.  This solo event did get me a photo with Brian and a hug, but not really much interaction with him like some of the others got.  As a matter of fact, when I walked to the side of the stage where he had been messing around with one of the other fan’s Wylee products, he went back to the front of the stage.  He did eventually come back to give me a hug though.  I completely missed Nick’s event because I was out at the deck party and it’s not like I haven’t seen him DJ before.  I did not enter the Blackjack tourney and didn’t see the final round of the tournament so I wasn’t able to see this AJ event, plus his belly flop competition got cancelled due to the weather.

Group Photo
Whoever decided to have smaller groups for the 2013 cruise needs a raise.  Whoever decided to have the guys wear their Captain’s uniforms, needs an even bigger raise.  This year’s group photo wins without a doubt in this category!

Length of the Cruise
2010 was a four day cruise.  The other two have been three days.  And while the 2010 was only a half charter, that extra day with the Backstreet Boys makes a huge difference and makes it the winner in this category.  There have may have been more down time but I actually really liked the fact that we got that day in Key West to do non-Backstreet stuff and just explore like tourists.

Cruise Ship
I think I prefer the Imagination over the Destiny.  I found I got lost much less on the Imagination and by having the two “stages” on the Imagination, you get the guys coming out into the crowd to get from one area to the other.  The negative with that is that you don’t know which area they will be coming out at the beginning of the deck party.  This was a bummer when Laura had gotten us VIP bracelets on this last cruise but the guys came out on the center stage and then we missed the first part with the guys because we were back in the crowd in the VIP section because we had been waiting for them to come out on the top balcony.

Deck Parties
I’m doing this category last because I am having a really hard time deciding the winning cruise for it.  There are bits and pieces of the deck parties that I liked for each year.  Overall, I think I enjoyed myself the most for the 2010 cruise.  Now, I know MANY people disagree with me on this one so let me explain why I enjoyed myself the most at the deck parties on this cruise.  I liked these deck parties because the guys were pretty much present at all times “performing.”  The guys were above us on the balcony singing, dancing, and just talking.  One didn’t disappear to go take photos for long periods of time.  They were always just there.  Don’t get me wrong, I love that the guys are braver and are now trying to go out and get as many photos with fans as possible during deck parties.  However, this leads to one of two things.  One is that fans who want photos are waiting in line to get a photo with that one member and is then missing out on what the others guys might be doing.  The other thing that is happening is that if you are content without a photo, you are now watching only some of the guys while some of the others have disappeared to take photos.  Either way, you are missing out on something.  In 2010, the guys were there at all times to watch and you weren’t missing out on anything.  They would sing their own songs when the DJ would play them, they would dance to their own and other’s music, they premiered “Don’t Turn Out the Lights,” AJ sang two of his solo songs and got some additional help from some of the others guys.  Now, the deck parties didn’t last as long in 2010 but I just feel like we saw more of them.  While I enjoyed the 2010 deck parties, overall, I feel like I should mention a few more things. 

The best deck party between all of the cruises was the PDA Pajama Jam during the 2011 cruise.  Everything about this deck party was amazing and I think having it in the Atrium due to the weather made it much greater than it would have been if it had been out on the Lido deck.  Many people were able to get a great view of the events because of the many levels in the Atrium.  But, what made this deck party so great were the things that the guys were doing…crowd surfing, doing the worm across the bar, pillow fights, pretending to make love to a pillow, spanking fans….  It was a side of BSB that fans had NEVER seen before.  It showed that the guys were finally not afraid to loosen up in front of us and show us a different side of them. 

Deck Party (Outfits)
The best theme nights as far as the guys outfits occurred during this last 2013 cruise.  The fact that the guys coordinated for both the Halloween night and Bachelorette night made it super fun.  The fact that the outfits that they coordinated in were AMAZING made it even better.  I mean the Backstreet Boys as the Village People and as the Chippendale Dancers…who wouldn’t LOVE that???

My favorite themes from a fan’s outfit perspective were from the 2011 cruise.  I enjoyed planning all of my theme outfits for that year, unlike this last year when I had no excitement at all about what I would do for the Bachelorette night.  While I didn’t hate any of the 2010 themes, I had no idea what to expect for these deck parties and would have probably changed some things if I knew then what I know now.  However, my favorite outfit overall was from this last cruise when I dressed as a University of Kentucky cheerleader for Halloween night.

So, as I have demonstrated, I don’t know that I have an overall winner from my perspective for the deck parties.  I know other fans have a clear winner but I just couldn’t come up with one no matter how hard I debated the issues in my head.

So, there you have it….my “Best Of” list.  Please remember that different fans may have completely different experiences.  These were just how I would compare each of the three cruises.  I know many who have been on the last three sailings have said that the 2013 cruise was the best by far.  I did enjoy myself immensely.  However, by looking at my list I guess you could tell that the 2013 cruise doesn’t win in a lot of the categories.  I think I just have different preferences when it comes to some events and to me that is perfectly fine!    All three cruises have been special for one reason or another and that’s what makes going on these cruises amazing in my eyes