Showing posts with label photo session. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photo session. Show all posts

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Cruise Itineraries 2018

Rose Tours made us sweat it out this year, but, better late than never!

BACKSTREET BOYS Cruise 2018 Itinerary
Day One: Thursday, May 3th, 2018
12:00PM – 3:30PM                Arrival Onboard the Carnival Cruise Ship Sensation
3:30PM – 4:30PM                  Mandatory Emergency Boat Drill
4:45PM                                   Sail Away with BSB on Lido & Verandah Decks
6:00PM                                   Dinner Group A
6:00PM                                   Doors Group B                                                                   Fantasia Lounge
6:30PM                                   Double Trouble Game Show Group B                             Fantasia Lounge
8:15PM                                   Dinner Group B
9:00PM                                   Doors Group A                                                                    Fantasia Lounge
9:30 PM                                  Double Trouble Game Show Group A                             Fantasia Lounge
11:00PM                                 Deck Party Groups A&B with DJ                                             Lido Deck 10
1 Hour Cocktail Party Open Bar from 12:00AM – 1:00 AM                         
Tonight’s Theme is “Fast times at Backstreet High”
Other Activities will be added, please check Carnival’s Fun Times for times and locations.
Day Two: Friday, May 4th, 2018 – Day at Sea
11:00AM                                 Photo Session Group B                                                      Plaza Aft Lounge
4:15 PM                                  Doors open Group B                                                            Fantasia Lounge
4:45PM                                   AJ Goes Country & Sneak Peak with Kevy Kev – Group B         Fantasia Lounge
6:00PM                                   Dinner Group A
8:15PM                                   Dinner Group B
8:30PM                                   Doors Open Group A                                                          Fantasia Lounge
9:00PM                                   BSB: Storytellers Group A                                                     Fantasia Lounge
11:00PM                                 Deck Party Groups A&B with DJ                                             Lido Deck 10
Tonight’s Theme is “We Got it Going Con”
Other Activities will be added, please check Carnival’s Fun Times for times and locations.
Day Three: Saturday, May 5th, 2018 –Grand Turk
5:30PM                                   Cinco De Howie D                                                                 Lido Deck 10
6:00PM                                   Dinner Group A
8:15PM                                   Dinner Group B
9:30PM                                   Doors Open Group B                                                           Fantasia Lounge
9:45PM                                   BSB: Storytellers Group B                                                     Fantasia Lounge
11:30PM                                 Deck Party Groups A&B with DJ                                             Lido Deck 10
Tonight’s Theme is “Millennium Night
Other Activities will be added, please check Carnival’s Fun Times for times and locations.
Day Four: Sunday, May 6th, 2018 – Day at Sea
10:00AM – 3:00PM                Blackjack Tournaments                                                                        Casino
11:00AM                                 Photo Session Group A                                                     Plaza Aft Lounge
2:30PM                                   BSB HQ with Nick                                                                 Lido Deck 10
3:30PM                                   Doors Open Group A                                                          Fantasia Lounge
4:00PM                                   AJ Goes Country & Sneak Peak with Kevy Kev – Group A         Fantasia Lounge
6:00PM                                   Dinner Group A
6:00PM                                   Doors open Group B                                                            Fantasia Lounge
6:30PM                                   Game Night with Mr. & Mrs. Littrell & Guests                  Fantasia Lounge
7:30PM                                   BSB Casino Night – Final Tournament Tables                                    Casino
8:00PM                                   Doors Open Group A                                                     Fantasia Lounge           
8:15PM                                   Dinner Group B                                                                   
8:30PM                                   Game Night with Mr. & Mrs. Littrell & Guests                  Fantasia Lounge
10:00PM                                 Deck Party Groups A&B with DJ                                             Lido Deck 10
Tonight’s Theme is “Party like it’s 1993”
Other Activities will be added, please check Carnival’s Fun Times for times and locations.
Day Five: Monday, May 7th, 2018
Day of Debarkation
8:00AM                                   Arrive at Miami Cruise Terminal
Merchandise Store Hours:
The Merchandise store is in the Library on Atlantic Deck 8
Day One: Friday May 3, 2018
5:30PM – 11:30PM
Day Two: Friday May 4, 2018
9:00AM – 11:30PM
Day Three: Saturday May 5, 2018
5:30PM – 11:30PM
Day Four: Sunday May 6, 2018
9:00AM – 10:00PM
Hospitality Desk Hours:
The Hospitality Desk is Midship on Promenade Deck 9
Day One: Friday May 3, 2018
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
5:00PM – 8:00PM
Day Two: Friday May 4, 2018
4:00PM – 7:00PM
Day Three: Saturday May 5, 2018
6:00PM – 8:00PM
Day Four: Sunday May 6, 2018
6:00PM – 8:00PM
In Your cabin tune into your exclusive BSB Channel 21

My Take
Phew, lots to digest here!

Let's start with the new events. 'AJ Goes Country & Sneak Peak with Kevy Kev'. Given how strict they are with the whole 'no cameras or phones' I assume we'll be getting a taste of new music. Given that I have 2 phones and a camera, part of me wanted to sneak in a device, but they seem to mean business if they're making us go through a metal detector. Yikes! But the other part of me will feel a sense of relief not having to worry about taking pictures and filming the events. Just enjoy some new music from 2 of my faves :) And historically I've loved the solo events where the guys sing. They can do some more unreleased stuff and things we don't normally get to hear.

Next up is Cinco De Howie. Sounds generic enough but it also sounds a bit like his 'Rum DMC' event. I imagine it'll involve Howie and alcohol and more Howie and more alcohol. I wasn't the biggest fan of his Rum DMC event, so hopefully this event will have a bit more to it than watching him play beer pong. Granted whatever he does, I'll be there!

BSB HQ with Nick. So best that I can infer is that this will be based on the popular trivia game/app - HQ trivia. The good news is that I do play that app/game and the bad news is I have yet to win. Grrr. But with Nick hosting and the questions being BSB related, I maybe just maybe will be pull this off.
For those of you who don't know what HQ trivia is all about - its a game show where they ask 12 multiple choice questions where everyone gets to play until they guess a wrong answer. Last ones standing will split a pot of money. If that's what they intend to do here, I love that it gives everyone a chance to play. Of course you never know, so we shall see!

Last but not least is Game Night with Mr. & Mrs. Littrell & Guests. Of course that last word is the most intriguing here. "& Guests," huh? How does one get to be a guest? Hopefully this means fan involvement in some way. This sounds like it'll be a fun time. Anytime you give Brian a mic you know you'll have some good laughs.

Seems like we're getting lots of game shows this year... Double Trouble Game Show being the main game show with all the boys. I honestly don't have any guesses on this one but I'm sure it'll involve some good laughs as well.

Last but not least is BSB: Storytellers. It appears that this will be our concert. From my understanding the New Kids did a concert similar to this where they take about some of their songs with stories and anecdotes, then sing them. I'm honestly thrilled they're not copping out and doing the Vegas set because I was a bit worried they would. I'm glad that they realize they are on a ship with all of their super fans and we don't need to see all their singles we've seen performed hundreds of time. Im happy we're getting something unique.

Of course I don't want to focus on what's not here, but I still can't help but be a bit upset we aren't getting a Q&A event nor a beach party. Those are 2 of my faves and the Q&A seems like such an easy event to put together....but that's okay. Hopefully they'll more than make it up to us with these other events.

Oh boy, cruisers. It's getting real!! See you on board in just 4 days!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Check-In and Various Updates

Hi cruisers - We have an update from Rose Tours with some key information! My commentary all the way at the bottom ;)

Important Information:

Is everyone ready to leave the Real World behind and cruise for 4 nights with BSB onboard the Carnival Sensation?!?!?

Before the nonstop fun can start we need to take care of some business. All guests sailing on Carnival are required to complete an online check-in no later than 11:59 pm May 2nd, the night prior to sailing. Once the quick and easy 4 Step Online Check-In process is complete you can proceed to print your Boarding Pass and Luggage Tags and book shore excursions and spa appointments.

New for this year – Carnival Staggered Check-in: Carnival has a new staggered check-in policy for their regular cruise guests. You must select a time when you do your online registration. This new CCL check in policy will not apply to us but they do require an arrival time to be filled in to complete your check in. You can arrive any time prior to 3pm.

To begin the Online Check In process, click the following link- Carnival Online Check In

Select Login, Register or Access Your Booking Now and provide the following information:

Your Booking Number: 

Guest Last Name

Date of Birth

Ship Name: Carnival Sensation

Sail Date: 05/03/2018

Step 1 - Provide Guest Information: You will be required to provide personal information such as address, an emergency contact, and your travel documentation information

Step 2 – Select your arrival time.

Step 3 - Onboard Expenses: You will open your onboard expense account by providing credit card information or you can select to provide cash upon embarkation.

Step 4 - Cruise Ticket Contract: You will need to accept Carnival Cruise Ticket Contract (Please note you will not be able to complete the online check in without accepting these terms)

Step 5 - Check-In Summary: You will receive a message you have completed the Online Check In and can now proceed to print your boarding pass and luggage tags.

If you are having technical issues while checking in please call Carnival at 1-866-236-6670 for assistance. If any of the pre- populated information in your online check in is incorrect (example: date of birth) please contact Rose Tours at 1-215-663-8800 (M-F 9am-5pm ET)

Please have proper travel documentation (valid Passport or State Issued Birth Certificate and government issued photo ID) with your Boarding pass with you for check-in at the pier. We suggest you put any necessary medication in your carryon bag since any checked luggage will not be delivered to your stateroom until later in the day.


AUTOGRAPHS: No autographs will be given at the photo sessions. You are more than welcome to ask BSB for their autographs when you see them around the ship, however please respect their privacy if they request it.

PHOTO SESSIONS: We will have groups of 4 or 5 passengers for each picture with BSB. Please respect this group policy. These sessions will be in the Plaza Aft Lounge on Deck 9. Please arrive at the Photo Session with your group of 4 or 5 passengers! NO CAMERAS, MOBILE PHONES, GIFTS OR BAGS WILL BE ADMITTED INTO THE PHOTO SESSION. If you do not have a group of 4 or 5, please go into the Disco to make up your group. Once you have your group of 4 or 5, please get in line. If you do not get a group of 4 or 5 you will be added to random passengers in order to get your photo. The photo session will end when the line ends. A link will be sent about 2 weeks after the cruise for you to download your photo. There will be no mixing of group A & B – this will be strictly enforced.

PERSONAL CAMERAS / VIDEO CAMERAS: Please feel free to bring your personal camera to all events except for the official photo sessions. If personal cameras are brought to the photo sessions, you will have to return it to your cabin. Video cameras allowed only for personal events. They are not allowed at official BSB cruise events. NO PROFESSIONAL CAMERAS ALLOWED AT ANY TIME. (SLR, DSLR, HD VIDEO, ETC)

WRISTBANDS: You will receive your wristband at check-in. Your wristband will have your exact seat assignment and either an A or B, which will denote your dining and event time. Wristband color and seat assignment number was determined by time of booking. Please note that these wristbands are required for all events. DO NOT REMOVE these wristbands until the end of the cruise. The cruise is sold out and the showroom is at capacity. There will be no seating changes.

PERSONAL GIFTS TO BSB: Gifts will NOT be permitted at any BSB scheduled events. Gifts can be left at the Rose Tours hospitality desk located Midship on deck 9. Please consult your itinerary for Hospitality Hours. Your gifts will be delivered to BSB.

SEATING: All seating in the Fantasia Show Room will be reserved. Your wristband determines which zone you are in and your Seat Number. Please look at the seating charts provided at check in to see where you will be seated. Please respect the seating policy and do not switch seats during the events. Please be respectful of others when entering the Fantasia Show Room.

CONCERT: BSB Concerts will be reserved seating. Each group gets ONE concert. NO ONE WILL BE ADMITTED INTO THE OTHER GROUPS CONCERT. Please respect your fellow guests during the concert. VIDEO IS NOT PERMITTED DURING THE CONCERT!

DRESS: Dress during the day is casual (shorts, shirts, skirts, jeans, etc.) Theme nights are as follows:

Thursday 5/3 – Fast Times at Backstreet High

Friday 5/4 – We’ve Got it Goin’ Con

Saturday 5/5 – Millennium Night

Sunday 5/6 – Party Like It’s 1993


Guests with Early Dining are in Group A

Guests with Late Dining are in Group B

  • You will receive dining room assignment at check in. Seating in the dining rooms is open.
  • Beach & Swim Wear, Tank Tops are not allowed in the Dining Room.
  • Please arrive at your assigned dining room with your party, the Maitre D’ will seat you.
  • Other options include 24 hour Room Service (fees may apply), Buffet on Lido Deck or the 24 hour Pizzeria.

Free Day in Grand Turk

You can enjoy your day on shore, no activities are scheduled while we are in port.

Carnival Ban Carry-On Bottled Beverages

Carnival Cruise Line is prohibiting its passengers from bringing bottled beverages onboard

You are allowed up to 12 unopened cans of water, sodas and non-alcoholic beverages per person to be brought on board during embarkation. You can now purchase a 12-pack of bottled water from Carnival at a price of $4.50 plus tax online prior to the cruise or on board.

Passengers age 21 and older can bring aboard one 750-milliliter bottle of unopened wine or champagne in carry-on baggage on embarkation day. If you choose to consume it in a restaurant or bar, you will be charged a $15 corkage fee.

All liquor, beer, other forms of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages outside of these exceptions are prohibited in both carry-on and checked luggage and will be confiscated and discarded with no compensation provided. All alcohol purchased in ports of call or onboard shops will be returned on the morning of debarkation.

Guests also are prohibited from bringing large coolers onboard since it’s an impediment to the boarding and security process. They can bring onboard personal-sized coolers, no larger than 12-by-12-by-12 inches to store small quantities of non-alcoholic beverages and/or medications.

Door Decorating Contest: Please note that while we are having a door decorating contest, Carnival has changed their policy on what is permitted to go on the door. You can decorate your door if it doesn’t present any fire hazards; such as plug-ins or decorations over the lighting features that may overheat.

My Interpretation
Most of this seems pretty standard. The thing that jumped out at me is of course that we're not having a beach party this year. Definitely a bummer as that is always a highlight for me and we missed that last time in Europe. I also personally prefer the vibe at the beach party as opposed to the theme parties mainly because they are daytime events and not late night parties. But on the bright side, it gives us the day in Grand Turk to explore. I do encourage you to take advantage of the day...there's no need to stay on the ship and stalk the guys. In the past, the boys have taken advantage of the port and gone off to explore. Thus you should too! You never know if you might run into them in Grand Turk.

Another point to note is that they did officially announce a door decorating contest. While they always seem to have one, they don't always make an official announcement. So that's exciting. Hopefully they'll have some good prizes this year.

Other than that, we are officially 18 days away! As we get closer to set sail date, if anyone has any questions, always feel free to email me.

Friday, April 22, 2016

The Itinerary Has Arrived for #BSBCruise2016!

It's my favorite day of the year! It's like Christmas in April! Without further ado...the Itinerary. My thoughts and analysis below.

BSB Cruise 2016 - Itinerary

Day One: Tuesday May 10, 2015

12:00PM- 2:30PM                   Arrival Onboard Royal Caribbean’s Brilliance of the Seas

4:15PM                                    Mandatory Emergency Boat Drill

5:00PM                                    Anchors Away Sail Away Party – Pool Deck 11 & 12

6:00PM                                    Dinner Group A

6:00PM                                    Doors Open Group B* Pacifica Theatre Deck 5 & 6

6:30PM                                    BSB Game Night Group B Pacifica Theatre

8:15PM                                    Dinner Group B

9:00PM                                    Doors Open Group A* Pacifica Theatre Deck 5 & 6

9:30PM                                    BSB Game Night Group A Pacifica Theatre

11:30PM                                  IN A WORLD LIKE THIS deck party – Deck 11 & 12

Day Two: Wednesday May 11, 2016

Arrival at 9:00 AM
All guests must be back onboard by 5:30 PM

6:00PM                                    Photo Session Group B – Colony Club Deck 5

6:00PM                                    Dinner Group A

8:30PM                                    Dinner Group B

9:00PM                                    Doors Open Group A* Pacifica Theatre Deck 5&6

9:30PM                                    Show Em What You’re Made Of Acoustic Hour Group A Pacifica Theatre

11:30PM                                  A NIGHT AT THE CINEMA Deck Party – Deck 11 & 12

Day Three: Thursday May 12, 2016

Arrival at 7:00 AM
All guests must be back onboard by 6:30 PM

6:00PM                                                Dinner Group A

6:30PM                                                Mix it up with Howie D – Pool Deck 11 & 12

7:00PM                                                Doors Open Group A

7:30PM                                                Dead 7 Screening and Q+A Group A

8:30PM                                                Dinner Group B

10:00PM                                              Doors Open Group B* Pacifica Theatre Deck 5&6

10:15PM                                              Show Em What You’re Made Of Acoustic Hour Group B Pacifica Theatre

12:00AM                                             CASINO ROYALE DECK PARTY – DECK 11&12

Day Four: Friday May 13, 2016


10:00AM – 2:00PM                             Blackjack Tournaments – Casino

11:00AM                                             Photo Session Group A – Colony Club Deck 5

2:00PM                                             Feed the Body & Soul with the Littrell’s-Pool Deck

2:45PM                                                One on One with Kevy Kev - Pool Deck

3:30PM                                                The Friday Tease with AJ McLean - Pool Deck

4:00PM                                                BSB: Behind the Scenes– Pool Deck

5:00PM                                                Just to be Close to You: A Guinness World Record Attempt – Pool Deck

6:00PM                                                BSB Trivia with Rose Tours

6:00PM                                                Preferred Event – Colony Club – Only those who booked Suites, D1, DP or DAS cabins can attend

6:00PM                                                Dinner Group A

7:00PM                                                Doors Open Group B Pacifica Theatre Deck 5&6

7:30PM                                                Dead 7 Screening and Q+A Group B Pacifica Theatre

8:30PM                                                Dinner Group B

8:30PM                                                Blackjack Tournament Final Table– Casino

11:00PM                                              50 Shades of BSB Leather & Lace Deck Party – Deck 11 & 12

Other Royal Caribbean activities are available to all guests, please check the dailies for times and locations.

*all events subject to change*

Day Five: Saturday May 14, 2016

Day of Debarkation
8:00 AM                                              Arrive at Port of Barcelona Cruise Terminal

Additional Information

* Guests with Early Dining are in Group A.
* Guests with Late Dining are in Group B.

* You will receive your dining room assignment at check in.  Seating in the dining rooms is open.
Please arrive at assigned dining room with your party, the Maitre D’ will seat you. Reservations can be made to any of the specialty restaurants.

Merchandise Store Hours:
The merchandise store is located in the Gift shop on Deck 5.

Day One: Tuesday May 10, 2016
5:30PM – 11:00PM

Day Two: Wednesday May 11, 2016
6:30PM – 11:00PM

Day Three: Thursday May 12, 2016
7:30PM – 11:00PM

Day Four Friday May 13, 2016
10:00AM – 11:00PM 

Hospitality Desk Hours:
The Hospitality Desk is located near the Royal Caribbean guest services desk on Deck 4.

Day One: Tuesday May 10, 2016
4:00PM – 8:00PM

Day Two: Wednesday May 11, 2016
9:00PM – 10:00PM

Day Three: Thursday May 12, 2016
8:00PM – 10:00PM

Day Four: Friday May 13, 2016
8:00PM – 10:00PM

My Thoughts/Pre-Cruise Analysis

I am THRILLED with the itinerary. Seems like Rose Tours and the staff have really listened to feedback and are trying some new things and bringing back some fan favorites.

Solo Events
I love that they brought back solo events for each of the guys, which is very exciting! It really helps fill up the day and give us cruisers a ton more activity, while still giving the guys not as much work. You figure while any given Backstreet Boy is doing his event, the other 4 can rest. Win/Win in my mind!

We already have details on Kevin and Brain's solo events. Mix it Up with Howie D....not sure what to fully expect here. But I'd be willing to bet a hefty sum that alcohol will be involved in some capacity. I really loved his last solo event, so that will be tough to top, but I'm loving where it's headed. 

'The Friday Tease with AJ McLean' is super intriguing! I literally have no guesses here, but if its at the pool deck, I'm sure we'll have a great time no matter what he's doing. Any guesses??

Nick's Dead 7 a Nick girl I'm slightly disappointed. I think there's a good number of fans who've already seen the movie, myself included. Thus I'm personally not anticipating this event as much as the others. But hopefully the fans who haven't gotten a chance to see it yet will enjoy. And I'm optimistic that the Q&A portion will be a lot of fun!

Game Show
I always love the game shows, so glad they're keeping a cruise classic. I do find it very interesting that they don't have details on the game show announced yet. Generally for past cruises, they've told us in the itinerary what the game would be. Maybe they're still trying to figure it out ;)

BSB Behind the Scenes
This sounds super exciting!! Obviously not sure what to expect here, but based on the description, it sounds like an event I've always wanted. I think it may be my business/marketing background, but I'm just fascinated by the business of the Backstreet Boys and what goes into their brand - the marketing, the legal, the finances, all of it! Heck, Howie always says that being a Backstreet Boys and being in show business is just as much about the show, as it is the business. I hope we get a glimpse into this.

We already knew we were getting an acoustic concert. I suppose the new piece of information here is they're clearly calling it "Acoustic Hour". Thus I suppose we should psyche ourselves for an hour-long event. I was hoping for a little longer, but then again, can we ever have a Backstreet Boy concert that's long enough? I'd always want more!

Blackjack Tournaments
Seems like they're bring back blackjack, which is good. Hopefully my luck from last year will continue. I do wonder which Backstreet Boy will be hosting though, as the itinerary didn't state. In years past its been Howie and AJ. So we'll see if they keep taking turns, or perhaps Howie & AJ are the resident card sharks.
Also - keep your eyes peeled for another email from Rose Tours on this. They've generally done sign-ups in advance.

Just to be Close to You: A Guinness World Record Attempt
The Backstreet Boys do seem to like to take after the New Kids, and on the last New Kids cruise they tried to break the record for the most number of selfies in a given time. If I was a betting woman, I'd say the guys will try to do this. Plus with the event name 'Just to be Close to You'...I think it adds up. It'd be great if all the Backstreet Boys participate, but I for some reason I bet AJ would be the host of this event. He does like his selfies!

BSB Trivia with Rose Tours
I have mixed emotions. I am really happy they've finally added in bonus events like this that don't involve the guys, but still are Backstreet related. It sounds like sooo much fun! The reason I have mixed emotions is because they scheduled the 'Preferred Event' at the same time so I won't be able to go #SpoiledBSBFanProblems

Preferred Event
I'm glad they didn't forget about this one! No further clues as to what the event will be, except the fact that its held in the Colony Club. See picture below. If nothing else, the room size tells us about how many fans to expect at this event. I'm really excited though!

I am sad that there's no beach party. Even though we already knew that, I suppose I still had some hope they might change their mind. It's definitely a bit different that we have 2 entire days with no events during the day. Depending if you're in Group A or of those days at port will be pretty light on BSB. 

I'm also sad there's no Q&A. That's always a favorite event of mine. But I most certainly not going to dwell on that. I realize they can't do everything, even though I wish they could. 

The other thing I noticed about the itinerary is that for Group A, a couple of events conflict with dinner: the Preferred Event as well as Howie's solo event. Fortunately I'm in group B so it doesn't impact me. But even if I was, hands down, I'd choose the BSB events and skip dinner. Just part of the sacrifice of a BSB cruise.

Also - I'm already anticipating how tired I'm going to be on that last sea day! Its going to be so busy but so much fun! Its really starting to feel real!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Check-In Time

Cruisers - I can't believe it's time to check-in. I seriously can't believe we're 1 month away!!!

You should've received an email from Rose Tours with check-in information. Make sure you get this filled out before you set sail. It's similar to checking in for a flight. The cruise line needs some key information to allow you to board, come the day of the cruise.

In case you missed the email, I've included it below. I also want to point out a few things...

The policies seem to be similar to past cruises. I've seen a few of you concerned that the email says that video cameras will not be allowed at events, nor will video be permitted at the concerts. Hopefully you can take comfort in the fact that they say this every year and they don't strictly enforce it. The only time where they are strict about 'no cameras' is at the official meet & greet, for obvious reasons. I imagine they might not allow professional video cameras, but if you're just using your phone or a point-and-shoot camera, I think we'll be fine.

Hey Laura!

Let's get ready to sail away with the Backstreet Boys and spend 4 nights cruising the open waters partying like only BSB fans can.

Before the nonstop fun can start we need to take care of some business. All guests sailing on Royal Caribbean are required to complete an online check in no later than 11:59 pm May 7th, three days prior to sailing. Once the quick and easy Online Check In process is complete you can proceed to print your SetSail Pass and Luggage Tags and book shore excursions and spa appointments (opening soon).

New for this year, you will have the ability to purchase any of Royal Caribbean's beverage packages. You can do this online or onboard. You can find more information here.

** Please note that the cruise itinerary will be sent approximately two weeks prior. **

To begin the Online Check In process click the following link- Royal Caribbean Online Checkin

Check-in online! It's easy. We'll show you how in 4 simple steps. You can also view a tutorial here.

When you check-in online, it saves time. You won't have to fill out any forms at the pier. When you and your party arrive, you'll just need your signed SetSail pass, identification documents, and credit card that you used to register online.

First, gather the following information for all the guests you're checking in:

✔ Ship, sailing date and Royal Caribbean reservation number
✔  Passport or appropriate proof of citizenship and identification
✔  Home address
✔  Emergency contact name with phone number
✔  Travel plans before and after your cruise
✔  Credit card for the Onboard Expense Account

Ship Name: Royal Caribbean Brilliance of the Seas
Sail Date: 05/10/16
Step 1: Guest Information: In this step, you'll provide the passport or acceptable proof of citizenship and documentation  required to travel for all guests you're checking in. You will also need their home address and emergency contact information.

IMPORTANT:  The information you enter must be identical to the way it appears on the identification documents you take to the pier. Middle names are not required. Discrepancies may result in delayed or denied boarding.

NOTE: Your name on the reservation must also match your proof of citizenship documents.
Step 2: On-Board Expense Account: Onboard your ship, you will use a cashless system for purchases and services.

You can set up your Onboard Expense Account in advance.
You can link it to your credit card or cash (There is a $300 minimum on cash desposits)

Step 3: Cruise Ticket Contract: In this step, you can certify the Cruise Ticket Contract (CTC) in advance for yourself and others in your stateroom and/or minor passengers (under 18) sailing in another stateroom.

Step 4: Set Sail Pass: In this final step, you can review and print your SetSail Pass and learn more about what to expect at the pier.

: For security purposes, the system will time out after 30 minutes even though there is activity, so make sure you have everything listed above before you begin.

IMPORTANT: You must complete and print your SetSail Pass 3 days prior to your sail date.

If you are having technical issues while checking in please call Royal Caribbean: US or Canada: (800) 256-6649 • Outside the U.S.: (954) 628-9290  for assistance.

Please have proper travel documentation (valid Passport/ any required Visas) and your Boarding pass with you for check-in at the pier.
We suggest you put any necessary medication in your carryon bag since any checked luggage will not be delivered to your stateroom until later in the day.


AUTOGRAPHS: No autographs will be given at the photo sessions.

PHOTO SESSIONS: We will have groups of 4 or 5 passengers for each picture with THE BSB. This way we will be able to see everyone, no one will be left without a photo. Please respect this group policy. Please arrive at the Photo Session with your group! NO CAMERAS, MOBILE PHONES, GIFTS OR BAGS WILL BE ADMITTED INTO THE PHOTO SESSION. A link will be sent about 2 weeks after the cruise for you to download your photo. PERSONAL CAMERAS /

VIDEO CAMERAS: Please feel free to bring your personal camera to all events except for the official photo sessions. If personal cameras are brought to the photo sessions, you will have to return it to your cabin. Video cameras allowed only for personal events. They are not allowed at official THE BSB cruise events.

WRISTBANDS: You will receive your wristband at check-in. There are 6 wristband colors. These colors represent the zones in the Pacifica Theater. Your wristband will have your exact seat assignment and either an A or B, which will denote your dining and event time. Wristband color and seat assignment number was determined by time of booking. Please note that these wristbands are required for all events. DO NOT REMOVE these wristbands until the end of the cruise. There will be no seating changes.

PERSONAL GIFTS TO THE BSB: Gifts will NOT be permitted at any THE BSB scheduled events. Gifts can be left at the Rose Tours hospitality desk located next to Guest Services deck 4. Please consult your itinerary for Hospitality Hours. Your gifts will be delivered to THE BSB.

BSB. SEATING: All seating in the Pacifica Theater will be reserved. Your wristband determines which zone you are in and your Seat Number. Please look at the seating charts provided at check in to see where you will be seated. Please respect the seating policy and do not switch seats during the events. Please be respectful of others when entering the Pacifica Theater.

CONCERT: The BSB Concerts will be reserved seating in the Pacifica Theater. Each group gets ONE concert. NO ONE WILL BE ADMITTED INTO THE OTHER GROUPS CONCERT. Please respect your fellow guests during the concert. VIDEO IS NOT PERMITTED DURING THE CONCERT!

DRESS: Dress during the day is casual (shorts, shirts, skirts, jeans, etc.) Theme nights are as follows:

Tuesday, May 10th – In a World Like This Night: This night is all about celebrating where you're from - show your hometown pride. Show off your country/state/city pride with flags, shirts, countries colors, etc.!

Wednesday, May 11th – A night at the Cinema! In honor of being in Cannes on opening night of the world famous Cannes Film Festival, we're channeling our inner movie star and dressing as our favorite movie character.

Thursday, May 12th – Casino Royale Night! - Dress to kill and be ready to join the boys on deck for a martini, shaken not stirred.

Friday, May 13th – Leather and Lace Night! - Come dressed in your best leather and/or lace and let's see where the night takes us. Laters, baby.

Guests with Early Dining are in Group A (Minstrel Dining Room)
Guests with Late Dining are in Group B (Minstrel Dining Room)
• You will receive dining room assignment at check in. Seating in the dining room is open.
• Beach & Swim Wear is not allowed in the Dining Room.
• Please arrive at your assigned dining room with your party, the Maitre D' will seat you.
• Other options include 24 hour Room Service ( service charge for room service between midnight and 5 a.m.), Buffet on Deck 11 or the Seaview Cafe.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Top 12 Rookie Cruiser Mistakes

Some fans are BSB cruise pros. They've been on all 4 cruises and can navigate these ships without a map. They can tell you how each deck party works. They can even probably tell you what order the boys will be standing in for the photo group. Others are not nearly up to speed. For many cruisers, especially this year, this is their first time on the high seas with the Backstreet Boys. This is literally a once in a life-time experience and it's important to make the most of it. Here are some mistakes for rookie cruisers to avoid in order to make the most of your Backstreet cruise.
  1. Not bringing comfortable clothes
    Yes, I know we all need to look cute for the boys at all times, but trust me when I say there is a lot of standing around. Pack comfortable shoes. You can still wear heels for the meet & greet, but I strongly encourage some flats too. I can't tell you how many girls I've seen at the deck parties in their 5'' heels who look utterly miserable.

    Also be prepared for all types of weather - hot, cold, rain. We've experienced them all. Take this into particular consideration when planning your theme outfits because we've had more than one deck party in the rain.

  2. Flying in the same day
    Just don't do it. Not worth the stress. Plus I find the boys will often have pre-cruise events that would require you to get in a day or two early anyway.

  3. Not meeting new people

    I can't encourage you enough to meet new fans both on board and before the cruise. Half the fun of the experience is being able to share it with other fans. Go out of your comfort zone and chat up your fellow cruisers.

  4. Travel with compatible friends
    Just because she's your best friends in real life, doesn't mean she'll make a good BSB cruise companion. You and your friends should envision the same type of experience. For some its a cruise vacation where BSB happens to be there too. And for others its a BSB event that happens to take place on a cruise. Slight but important difference.

    For example - some fans prefer to sit outside the boys' cabins all day while others want to sit by the pool and couldn't be bothered as to Kevin's current whereabouts. Some fans need to be front row for every event and are willing to put in the time, while others are perfectly content hanging in the back at the bar during the sail away party.

    There's no right or wrong way to do it, but make sure on the same page as the people you're traveling with. You don't want to resent someone for holding you back from how you want to experience the cruise

  5. Stalk the boys 24/7
    I suppose you can if you want....but I don't encourage it. It's all about striking a balance between enjoying the boys and enjoying your vacation. Plus you tend to run into one of them when you're not least expecting it.

  6. Have a realistic budget
    Budgeting for this type of vacation is tricky because there are so many hidden expenses that you don't anticipate. Even though the cost of the cruise covers pretty much everything you need once you're on board - shopping, drinks, excursions, will all be an additional cost. I also find that you're inevitably going to want to buy new clothes, theme outfits, get your hair and nails done, and even buying things for your door decoration. Not to mention airfare, hotels, pre/post-cruise associated costs, and potentially a pre-cruise event. It adds up!

  7. Over packing/ Under packing
    The reality is you're going to need a lot of different types of clothes due to the nature of a BSB cruise. You'll need swimwear, formal clothes, meet & greet outfits, theme night outfits, etc. It's not uncommon to change 4-5 times a day just given the schedule of events. Once we get the itinerary, I encourage you to plan your outfits and don't pack more than what is needed. Cabins are small and you don't have room for excess. Plus you'll likely want to go shopping so leave extra room in your suitcase.

  8. Take care of yourself
    We all daydream about running into AJ at the buffet, hanging out with friends by the pool, and rocking out at the concert. But what we don't envision is lying in bed sick in the cabin. I've had many friends who have missed events because they were seasick or just under the weather. Unfortunately it happens. You're traveling, you won't be getting a lot of sleep, you'll be pushing your body a lot, and most importantly you'll be in vicinity of Nick Carter who is notorious for being sick.
    This may seem obvious but stay hydrated, wear sunscreen, bring medicine, and be prepared for potential seasickness.

  9. Don't stress about the photo group
    Many fans like to have their photo groups pre-planned, and that's great if you found your perfect group and you're all set. However if you don't have a group planned before the cruise, that's 100% okay too. I personally think there's something to be said for staying flexible - you may meet new friends or if you're anything like me, you'll change your mind by the hour on who you want to stand next to in the photo. And if you don't have anyone to take a picture with, that's okay too. Rose Tours will pair you up with others who need a group.

  10. Embrace the fandom
    This is the one time you can REALLY let your inner fangirl out. Embrace it. You can comfortably dork out over unreleased songs or how you used to have posters covering your walls in middle school (and perhaps still do have posters covering your walls). I love seeing people get super into the theme nights or door decations (myself included).

  11. Strategize when to arrive early
    Here's my trick. I pick and choose the events I want to make the effort to get there early for. Anything with fan participation, it can pay to get there early (not always though). I don't think its realistic to be front row for everything, so I choose a couple of events to get there early to get a good spot. The rest of the time I try not to stress. I've also found that while other fans may be camped out up front for a deck party, if I'm running late I may see the guys headed to the deck party before anyone else gets to see their costumes. And that can be a lot of fun too!

  12. Stay positive
    With an event like a BSB cruise, our expectations can be almost unreasonably high, to the point where things will not necessarily go as you planned. You will have an amazing time, but speaking for myself, I know that emotions will sometimes get the better of me. An event may get rained out. Another fan may cut you off in your attempt to get a picture with Howie. Your run-in with Brian may not go as amazingly as you had planned it out in your head. Maybe Nick didn't notice the outfit you spent weeks putting together.

    Whatever happens though...don't let it get to you. Plus no one wants to be around someone who's constantly complaining. Sometimes you just need to take a step back and remind yourself how incredibly fortunate you are to be on the cruise in the first place.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Inside Scoop for First Time BSB Cruisers

I'm anticipating many first time cruisers this year because we're headed across the pond to Europe. So while Rose Tours puts together a lovely FAQ page (which you should probably check out as it has a lot of logistical questions answered) many of you want to know the REAL deal about just exactly what goes down on a BSB cruise. You gotta know if it's worth the money. The short answer is yes. But just in case you're unsure, here's a quick rundown on some frequently asked questions from first timers.

What can I expect on a BSB cruise?
Expect to have the time of your life. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll sing, you'll dance. You'll get to meet the Backstreet Boys. You'll meet some amazing fans from all over the world and hopefully walk away with many new best friends. You'll act like you're 13 the entire time. You'll make some wonderful memories.'s awesome. You just gotta trust me on this one and then thank me later.

Will I get to meet the Backstreet Boys?
You WILL definitely get to meet the Backstreet Boys. I repeat... you will get to meet the Backstreet Boys and make a childhood dream officially come true. You can leave the ship and die happy. No but really, they have a meet & greet session where you are guaranteed to meet all 5 Backstreet Boys and get a group picture with them. And the meet & greet is included in the cost of the cruise, so not to fret!

Proof that you do in fact get to meet them AND get a picture AND they're in sailor outfits
Help! I really want to go but have no one to go with.
As my brother likes to tell me, "Track 3 - In a World Like This." You have a lot of options. Don't let not having a travel buddy stop you. If I let that stop me, I wouldn't have gone on that first cruise 5 glorious years ago and have this lovely blog. You have options. Rose Tours offers a roommate match program and they will pair you up with another cruiser in your situation. Its easy and it works. You can also scour twitter, facebook, the fanclub, or even let me know and I'll try to match you with someone. You're not alone. I guarantee there are others in the exact same situation and would love to room with you.

Also, its super easy to meet people on board. You can literally go up to anyone on that ship and start a conversation with, "So what is your favorite Nick hairstyle?" and proceed to have a 2 hour chat discussing the pros and cons of each of his dos. Any by 'anyone on that ship', I don't mean the Royal Caribbean staff. You might get yourself a few sideways glances.

The hair has come full circle.

Is it worth the money?
Yes, it's expensive. But it's worth every penny. Try not to think about the fact that you could go on a different cruise for half the price and twice as long. Think about how that cruise ship won't have this waiting for you when you board....

How much face time is realistic?
I wish I could tell you we all get to have an intimate lunch with Brian every day. But alas, there's simply not enough BSB to go around. The good news is it is very likely to run into them around the ship. They stay with us all 4 days and are often found roaming around the ship. It's not uncommon to see AJ grabbing lunch at the buffet or Howie shooting craps in the casino. 

Plus there are lots of opportunities to get a selfie, hug, autograph, picture, quick convo, or have Nick sign your body so you can get it tattooed when you get back home (yes this really happens and yes he'll actually do it). The boys really make themselves available during the cruise, especially the deck parties. And if you're patient, you'll hopefully go home with at least 1 or 2 pictures to make all of your friends back home super jealous. I mean, that is the ultimate goal, right?

What's the deal with the photo groups?
"Looking for a Kevin and Brian girl."
"Nick girl looking for a group."
"Need a Howie fan."

When you see these sorts of phrases, or any iteration thereof, it means people are looking to complete their photo group. And I'm sure some go-getters already have theirs figured out.

So as I said above, you'll get to meet the Backstreet Boys and part of that process means finding other fans to take a picture with. For the past 2 cruises they have done photo groups of 4-5 people. So if you're going to leave utterly devastated if you don't stand next to your favorite boy in the photo, you might want to think about getting a group together a month or two before sailing. Otherwise, don't worry about it. There will be other fans who need group members too and the staff will match you up the day of. There is NO need to start worrying about this now.

Is it worth it to get the more expensive cabins?
It's funny. My friends who have gotten the more expensive cabins insist it's absolutely worth it to get the front seats at the shows. Meanwhile my friends who have gotten the cheapo cabins insist it's not worth the extra money to get the better cabins. So what I've concluded - you can't go wrong. (Personally I fall in the latter category and have never felt like I missed out on anything.)

I do feel obliged to point out that this cruise is the first year that the better cabins come with an exclusive BSB event. I emailed Rose Tours trying to pry more info out of them, but sadly they don't have details yet. Color me crazy, but I would like slightly more info before shelling out an extra $1000+.

What sort of events do they have on board?
In typical Backstreet fashion, we won't get this information until 2 weeks before the cruise. So buckle up, you're in for a long wait. Though based on what has happened on past cruises, I expect that they will have some mix of the following events:
  • Sailaway party- Basically BSB in sailor outfits
  • Game show- An hour of watching Brian's competitive side come out
  • Deck/Theme Parties (x3)- Evening of trying to get selfies with the boys in fun costumes
  • Q&A- The boys answering actually decent questions that aren't the typical, "What advice do you have for the new generation of boybands?"
    (Its a tossup as to whether or not they'll have this event. But I really like the Q&A so I hope they do it!)
  • Concert- Please, for the love of Nick Carter, they better do a unique cruise concert like they did last year. That was amazing!
  • Meet & Greet-  Getting hugs from AJ, Brian, Kevin, Nick and Howie. Squeee!
  • Solo events (if we're lucky)
  • Beach Party- Shirtless Backstreet Boys. (Though in my personal opinion I'm doubtful we'll get one this year based on our 2 free port days.)

If you're a first timer and have any other questions, feel free to post below!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Recap 2014: Day 2 (Part 1)

I woke up the next morning on the early side and per usual, couldn't fall back asleep. Too much excitement to sleep! So I grabbed some breakfast and then decided it would be a good time to walk around and look at cabin doors while it was still relatively quiet on board. I was probably only 5 minutes into my door viewing adventure and met another fan wandering around and so we explored the rest of the cabins together. It's moments like that which remind me why I love the Backstreet cruise - it's so easy to meet awesome new friends.

Anyway, I found there not to be a whole lot of doors decorated this year and as a whole it seems people didn't go as extravagant as they have in years past. Here are a couple of my faves...

Buzzfeed type door with top 10 lists

A wall of CD lyrics
After roaming the halls looking at door decorations, my roommates and friends were waking up, so that meant it was breakfast time! Food always tastes better when I don't have to cook it. And tastes even better than that on a cruise with the Backstreet Boys.

An uneventful breakfast (other than spending some quality time work my girls) was followed by a trip to the casino. I had signed up to participate in the blackjack and poker tournaments but decided to forgo my spot at the poker table. Partly because of how early my assigned time was, and partly because I wasn't super confident in my skills and I didn't want to completely throw my money away.

Howie's Blackjack Tournament

I was going to try my luck at the blackjack tournament. I am by no means a gambler, in fact I really dislike the concept because I feel like these games are designed for you to lose. But when there's a chance to win some quality time with a Backstreet Boy, I'm down. Plus I was feeling a little bit more confident this year, having played last cruise and knowing generally how the tournament works.

I heard that the tournament was running way behind, so I just headed to go to the casino when I had a rare moment of downtime, and they told me to just grab a seat. Well, no one else was there at that time so it was just me and the dealer. And my friends watching over my shoulder for good luck.
Well, I dont remember the exact hands I got dealt, but I do remember asking the dealer for lucky cards because the best prize ever was at stake - Howie D!

Sure enough, after my 7 anxiety-ridden hands, I actually managed to place on the board at spot #5. Holy crap, I was so proud of myself! I knew I still had a couple hours left in the tournament, so the odds of my name still remaining on the board were low. But I was just pleased that I had made it that far. Oh, and the other exciting part is that my roommate, Ana, was #2. So I knew if for some crazy reason I were to play, at least I'd have her by my side and she actually knew what she was doing.

Me being the blackjack queen at #5!
Meet & Greet

So after I played blackjack, it was time for pictures! Yayy! My girls and I decided to do a 'huggy pose' wih us all on the same side of the boy. Meanwhile I was strategically rehearsing everything I wanted to say to each guy, knowing fully well that I wasn't going to remember it all by the time I got up there. It's nerve-racking enough. Am I right?
The line moved relatively quickly and I finally made my way up to the front of the line and I managed to have a few "conversations" with some of the boys. And I use the word 'conversation' very loosely. So I approached Howie first and I was being overly optimistic and excited about my recent blackjack placement so I told him I won the blackjack tournament and would be playing with him later that night. Hoping I wasn't going to jinx myself in the process. He seemed excited though.

Next down the line was AJ. I knew this was the only guaranteed face time I'd have with him, so I had to mention our Friends door and told him he's gotta come check it out. I feel like he barely processed what I was saying, but that's okay. I think by this point he must've heard about the door several times over, and I didn't want to be overbearing about it. I was just happy I accomplished what I wanted to say. So many times I approach them and what I intended to say completely flies out my head.

Next down the line, admittedly was a bit of a blur. In a strange turn of events, I didn't have much to say to Nick. I think it was Kevin or Brian who asked me if I was having a good time. Well, duh! Though I certainly appreciate that he tried, especially because we were near the end of the line. I honestly question how these boys do it. And yeah, that's pretty much it! So another amazing meet and greet added to my list :D

Huggy poses with the boys
I'm super happy with how the picture turned out. AJ was the fail, though. We almost had everyone in the right poses....AJ just HAD to throw his other arm out. Oh well! As I always say - any picture with a Backstreet Boy is a good picture.

Down Time
By this point, over an hour had passed since I last checked the blackjack board. Sure enough my roommate and I got bumped down one spot. So now I'm last, at number 6. I definitely had mixed emotions because I was thrilled my name was still up there. But I also knew it was just a matter of one other person bumping me off. I was trying not to get my hopes up, but it's hard not to let myself get excited at the idea of playing with Howie.

I needed a distraction in the form of food. So up the lido buffet for lunch. It was a very anxious meal, as I was just counting down the time until the tournament closed and I'd find out whether or not I won.

I'll just fast forward ahead to the anticipated moment after the tournament finally ended. I was almost too scared to look, but sure enough, the tournament had officially closed and next to spot number 6 it read 'Laura D'.  I was soooo excited!!! I couldn't believe how incredibly lucky I was. I actually would be playing blackjack with Howie D. And even better that my roommate, Ana, also won. This is just not real life!

Our moment of excitement was short-lived, as we came to the epiphany that the final tournament with Howie was at the EXACT same time as our scavenger hunt prize with Kevin. Both at 8pm later that day........ I couldn't believe our good and bad luck at the same time. Two once-in-a-lifetime opportunities at the exact same time. How on earth are we supposed to choose? Believe me, I realize how incredibly spoiled and fortunate I was to have this problem. But, it was a problem, nonetheless.

So Ana and I were on a new mission to find some staff who could potentially help us out. After 2 failed attempts with Rose Tours staff, we both looked at each other and realized there is likely only 1 person on that ship who could help us and that was Jen. We knew that the boys were still wrapping up pictures, and Jen was in that room with them, so off we went to try and talk to Jen.

Thus we waited outside the room where the boys were taking their pictures, ironically not for the boys. Fortunately we were able to nab her and explain our situation. She also appreciated the fact that we were both incredibly fortunate to have such a "problem," but told us we would ultimately would have to pick one of the events. I'm not gonna lie, of course I was upset. I know I was lucky winning both of these amazing prizes, but the truth is that I earned both of them and I wanted both of my prizes.

Part of me was secretly hoping one of these boys would be on Backstreet time and we could pull off both, but of course we picked Kevin's events. And semi-resolving that situation, we headed to Don't Forget the Lyrics.

Don't Forget the Lyrics

My mind was already highly anticipating the events of that evening, and the fact that I would be getting 1x1 time with Kevin. But we still had a super fun activity that afternoon, which was a new one! I just like that it was something new and different. Similar to karaoke, but at least it had a new twist to make it more enjoyable. I also liked that they incorporated fans into the event.

The girls and I waiting for the event to start

The game was pretty self explanatory with the boys competing against fans on who better could complete the lyrics. Here are some of my favorite moments:
  • Nick singing along with Bang Bang. It was just cute to see him continually get the wrong answer and then blame Brian for it
    Nick being Nick
  • AJ singing Justin Bieber's 'Boyfriend'

  • Howie making this face when he had to sing Frozen's, 'Let it Go'
    Best. Face. Ever.
  • AJ's reaction to Howie not knowing 'Frozen'....
    "If you have kids, you have to know that song. Or you're the worst parent ever." - AJ
    (Poor Howie!)
  • Brian singing Nsync and proclaiming, "I'm gonna be sea-sick ladies!" Me too, Brian. Me too
  • Kevin rapping and being Snoop Dogg
    Snoop Kevin
  • Howie's rendition of Enrique Iglesias' 'Hero' singing "You can't take my breast away."
  • After 'Like a Virgin', Nick excitedly jumps up and asking, "Ok, raise your hand if you're a virgin........why didn't any one raise their hands??"
    Oh Nick.....
Ok, so basically this whole event had a lot of highlights. Overall I'd say it was a success. Nice weather out on the deck. Backstreet Boys goofing around, singing. Really can't go wrong here.

After the event, once again I happened to catch Jen leaving. So I briefly spoke to her again and told her we chose to do Kevin's event. Thanked her for everything she does. And I also thanked her for tweeting out my blog a couple of times. She paused for a moment, trying to process what I was saying, and then came a look of understanding on her face. So she actually seemed to know what I was talking about. That made me super happy that she actually knows of my blog, and presumably reads it. I honestly never dreamed that this little blog I started as an outlet, mainly for myself, would grow into something so appreciated by the BSB community and even read by their management. That definitely made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And I get that same feeling when you all approach me and ask 'Are you Laura?' I had a bunch of you gals stop me to say hi. It honestly means the world that you all still read this even though I haven't been as diligent about updating. I just wish I had more time to spend with each of you, there just isn't enough time in 3 days!!

Sorry, got sidetracked there! Back to the cruise...

My roommates and I snuck into early dining because we had the Kevin prize scheduled in the middle of our dinner. This meal was even more anxiety-ridden than lunch. I don't know how I managed to even eat anything. All I remember from this dinner is that our waiter kept trying to talk to us, and I know I was being rude to him but not really responding. I was hoping he'd take the hint, because my mind was only focused on the fact that we had our 1x1 time with Kevin in less than 2 hours! My head just kept spinning at all the possibilities. We had no idea what the event would be or how long it would last. All we knew is that it was Kevin and the 3 of us. That's all we needed to know :)

And before I knew it, dinner was over and we headed off to the piano bar to meet Kevin...